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Displaying clips 3001-3024 of 10000 in total
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Clip: 425487_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-097-03
Location: Africa
Timecode: 00:02:00 - 00:02:30

Congolese President Joseph Mobutu celebrates the second anniversary of his seizure of power with a military parade. He reviews troops, civilian groups, and a line of armored vehicles. President Mobutu waves from an open air Jeep during a military parade. Parade goers stand under an umbrella. Close-ups are made of armed troops, Jeeps and armored cars as they move past the Presidential Grandstand where President Mobutu stands in salute to his forces.

Consulates Bombed: Blasts Rip Six Yugo Embassies
Clip: 425650_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-02
Location: USA, Canada
Timecode: 00:09:41 - 00:10:44

Six Yugoslav missions throughout the United States and Canada are damaged in a series of bomb blasts. In Washington, there s heavy damage and a six year old boy is flung from bed. In New York, the Consulate General off Fifth Avenue, is bombed from under a gate at a service entrance. A fireman dies of a heart attack at the scene. Exterior of an embassy. MCU Embassy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Special Bomb Agents raking around the building. Firemen picking up debris inside a building. CU Firemen carrying out dry wall in garbage can. High Angle shot inside the building looking down at the ground around the building. Camera pans up on the building; there are burn marks from the bomb. CU 816 address on a building in New York. A plaque reads Generalni Konzulat Socijalisicke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije _ Consulate General of the Socialist Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia . Exterior shot building and police cars parked on the streets around the building. Broken windows are shown due to the blast. Debris scattered inside on of the consulate offices. Detectives going inside the building and there's a guard posted outside.

Pope Paul VI Ordiniation Cermony
Clip: 425651_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-03
Location: Vatican City, Rome
Timecode: 00:10:44 - 00:11:35

In the Vatican's Sistine Chapel, Pope Paul VI presides at the Ordination of 16 new priests. It's only the second time in recent centuries for a Pope to preside and ordain: usually Bishops confer the sacrament. The candidates are unique: all between the priests are between the ages of 33 and 62. Pope Paul VI walking down the center aisle in the Sistine Chapel blessing the people. CU a crucifix. Pope Paul VI sitting on St. Peters chair at the altar. New Priests lay face down on the floor. This is part of the Ordination of a New Priest. Man and woman sit in a pew watching the ceremony. They take part in the Mass. Pope Paul VI laying his hands on the men s heads as part of the Ordination. Pope blesses the people that are sitting in the Sistine Chapel. The ceremonial tying of the hands that take's place during the Ordination.

Cryo-Care (Suspended Animation Equiptment)
Clip: 425652_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-04
Location: Arizona
Timecode: 00:11:35 - 00:12:13

The Cryonic Society of Phoenix, Arizona, believes that life after death is possible. The freezing of bodies immediately after death is their method. The corpses are stored in a special capsule. One man has already been frozen but most scientists are skeptical. A technician is working on cylinder type capsule, he is wrapping aluminum on the cylinder. CU - There is a plastic see through window on the cylinder. CU - A head shot of a model as she demonstrates how a person would be prepped up after passing away, and how the body would be situated inside the Cryo-Care cylinder. CU - A demonstration on how a technician would prepare the body for storage, wrapping up the deceased person up in aluminum foil.

Clip: 425653_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-05
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:12:13 - 00:12:48

One of the newest allied weapons in the marshland fighting in Vietnam is the "Aircat". It's an airboat which skims the surface of marshland at up to thirty-five miles an hour. Driven by a conventional airplane propeller, the boat carries a crew of six, and operates on only four inches of water. A sign leaning against a fenced in area "Airboats" a skull and cross bones are also on the sign (Jolly Roger). US soldiers driving the "Aircat" on water. CU A hand on a lever inside the Aircat. Two South Vietnam soldiers posted at the machine gun on the front of the Aircat. Silhouette of a soldier looking at marsh land from the bow of the Aircat. POV - Aircat driving through the South Vietnam marsh. LS Aircat moving through the marsh.

World's First Floating Nuclear Ship: The Sturgis
Clip: 425654_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-06
Location: Virginia
Timecode: 00:12:49 - 00:13:46

The world's first floating nuclear power station debuts at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The "Sturgis" is a converted Liberty Ship and carries ten million watts of power, enough for a city of 20 thousand people. She'll be used both in military operations and disaster areas. Establishing shot to CU of a sign: "World's First Floating Nuclear Power Plant". High Angle shot over the boiler room of the ship. A technician checks things out. Two technicians add water or a liquid to something. A nuclear reactor set in place by a crane, heavy machine operator, maneuvering the crane with levers. The main computer room has gauges, levers and dials. The technicians are all dressed in white. The nuclear ship, the Sturgis is docked.

Worst Blizzard in 18 years Hits Chicago
Clip: 425655_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-07
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Timecode: 00:13:44 - 00:14:43

Chicago and the entire Midwest are buried by a blizzard which dumps two feet of snow on the Windy City . Sixty-eight deaths are traced to the storm. Ten thousand vehicles are abandoned. Train and airline operations are halted as widespread looting and fires develop. Chicago Blizzard of 1967. Lots of snow, piles of snow on the streets. Traffic is moving very slowly. High Angle Shot grid-lock traffic on the expressway. A car has stalled and is covered with snow. It s set off to the side of the road. Two women and a man shovel snow off their side walk as the snow keeps falling. A car parked on the side street is slowly shoveled out. Aerial shot abandoned cars left on the street because they stopped running. The amount and depth of the snow was too much for a short amount of time. Aerial shot stalled cars and trucks on the highway. A fire department helicopter lands. Firefighters deliver much needed supplies. A parked car surrounded by high packed snow.

Astronauts Buried With Honors
Clip: 425656_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-01
Location: Fort Myer, Virginia - New York State
Timecode: 00:15:23 - 00:17:08

At Arlington National Cemetery, Astronauts Virgil "Gus" Grissom and Roger Chaffee are buried with full military honors. At West Point, Astronaut Edward White's funeral takes place at his Alma Mater. A horse drawn hearse enters Arlington National Cemetery. Throngs are in attendance to pay their last respects. Draped in the American Flag, a horse drawn caisson passes carrying the body of Astronaut Gus Grissom, one of the three astronauts killed in a fire at Cape Kennedy. President Johnson (Lyndon Baines, LBJ) joins Gus Grissom's widow and family. CU the casket of Gus Grissom. Grissom s wife Betty, sons- Scott 16 and Mark 13 along with their grandparents sit silently with their heads bowed. Military men fold Gus's American Flag. Low Angle shot of American Jets flying overhead. Four hours later, Astronaut Roger Chaffee is buried next to Grissom. President Johnson shakes the hands of Chaffee's widow and her two little children, Cheryl and Stephen. Astronaut Edward White is buried at his Alma Mater, West Point. The Honor guard consists of six astronauts. Astronaut Frank Bormann presents Mrs. White with the American Flag that draped his coffin. Mrs. Johnson offers Mrs. Edward White her condolences. CU Flowers placed on the top of Edward White's coffin.

A First: Pope And Soviet President Meet
Clip: 425657_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-02
Location: Vatican City, Rome Italy
Timecode: 00:17:09 - 00:18:10

In Vatican City, an historic meeting between Pope Paul VI and Soviet President Podgorny take place. World peace and religious persecution are discussed. In Rome, on the eve of the Podgorny Papal visit, a bomb blast in a Roman Church indicates the protest of right-wing extremists. In Vatican City, Russian President Nikolai Viktorovich Podgorny and other Russian dignitaries walk up and shake hands with Pope Paul VI. President Nikolai Podgorny looks at Pope Paul VI with a half-smile on his face. Pope Paul VI presents the Presidents with copies of manuscripts by Leonardo de Vinci as a gift. In Rome, St. Pius X Church has been bombed. A huge hole is caused by the explosion. CU Huge hole blasted into the building. Interior of the church in the aftermath of the explosion.

Israel-Syrian Border Talks
Clip: 425658_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-011-03
Location: Israel, Syria
Timecode: 00:18:11 - 00:19:07

The countries of Israel and Syria meet for the first time in eight years to conduct talks for the purpose of creating lasting peace along the 48 mile border separating these nations. The first two sessions are unsuccessful but future talks are scheduled. A sign translated in Arabic, Hebrew and English reads" Frontier Ahead. A white UN Jeep passes some people on a road. Israeli guards watch UN Jeeps cross the border into Syria. Cars from the Israel cross the border into Syria. CU a sign written in Hebrew and English reads "Syrian Deligation" (that's the way they spelled it). CU Boarder guards walk up to the cameraman, one smiles as the other holds an assault rifle. Guards posted outside a Syrian tent.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460061_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:50:37) I want to make certain that we're not, in effect, tampering with an ongoing part of the investigation by Mr. Fiske in this area:. We're going to get answers to those questions in due course, I want to be certain that we're not, in effect, crowding into area here, and I won't say that's your intention. I just want to b~, sure we ' re not, Mr. MONROE. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm also trying to responsive as best I can. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you. Turn the clock back on. 65 Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Hirsch., what is your relationship with Robert Fiske? Dr. HIRSCH. I have no ongoing or previous relationship with Mr Fiske. I was asked to serve as a consultant to his investigation. never met him before, and I don't anticipate hearing from him in the future. re. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you ever visited Fort Marcy Park? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Were you present at the Foster autopsy? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you actually examined the gun that was identified as the suicide weapon? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you actually examined any other physical evidence? Dr. HIRSCH. Let me go back to the question-I haven't had the kind physical evidence in my hand. I've seen photographs of it and I've seen the results of test firings of the gun to produce certain gunpowder patterns, particularly the escape of gunpowder in the ap of the front of the cylinder and the breach end of the barrel. So I've had direct access to that type of evidence. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you interviewed anyone involved in the case other than Dr. Beyer? Dr. HIRSCH. I didn't personally interview Dr. Beyer. That was done by the forensic pathologist, Dr. Luke, who was part of our panel. I believe you asked me something about photographic evidence? Senator FAIRCLOTH. No, I didn't ask about photographic Dr. HIRSCH. I'm sorry, Senator FAIRCLOTH. Who have you interviewed involved in the case? Dr. HIRSCH. Who at the Senator FAIRCLOTH. You did not interview Dr. Beyer. Who did you interview? Dr. HIRSCH. I have spoken with the agents who are investigating and with agents who did work in the laboratory, but I didn't personally interview the Park Police or the medical personnel. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Hirsch, did Robert Fiske or any of his representatives talk to you about your conclusions prior to the public release of your report? Dr. HIRSCH. Of course, Senator FAIRCLOTH. So Robert Fiske and his representatives talked with you about your conclusions prior to the public release Of your report? Dr. HIRSCH. Senator, we attended a meeting at the office of the Independent Counsel at which time I saw all of the available evi dence, the microscopic slides, the photographic documentation. Senator FAIRCLOTH. I understand that, but my question Dr. HIRSCH. Mr. Fiske was present at that meeting, And the pa thologist explained our interpretation of the evidence that we saw and the findings. So Mr. Fiske was directly made aware of that. The pathologist, then in an Adelphi fashion, if you will, by circulating drafts of our report, all saw it, all participated in its 66 authorship, and I'm certain that Mr. Fiske saw that before it was published in this report. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did you talk with Robert Fiske about your conclusions? Did you talk to him about it? Dr. HIRSCH. I was a participant in the meeting, and I expressed my opinions to Robert Fiske about the interpretation of the medical findings. Senator FAIRCLOTH. You discussed this with him and he knew what was coming out? Dr. HIRSCH. Yes, sir. He knew how I felt about this evidence an( how we all did. Senator FAIRCLOTH. One more question. Dr. Hirsch, the biog- raphies of the pathologists fill up a large portion of the Fiske Re port on the death of Vince Foster, The Fiske Report puts a good bit of stock in a person called a confidential witness. Did you eve talk to the confidential witness? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you. The CHAIRmAN. Thank you. Senator Moseley-Braun. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a couple of specific questions for Mr. Monroe or whoever is inclined to answer. The FBI was contacted on the 21st by the Park Police and asked to come into the case; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. That's correct, to come in to participate, I believe, for the search of Vincent Foster's office, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Was this request routine in cases such as this? Mr. MONROE. Yes, it was, Senator. Please bear in mind the legislation there is the Presidential and Presidential staff assassination statute and not to take your valuable time, based on the preliminary investigation in which we found no criminal activity, preliminary, the lead agency based on agreement with the Park Police and what we do is render whatever assistance they might request.

Clip: 425460_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-093-08
Location: Belgium - outside of the city
Timecode: -

36 hundred runners jostle and jounce over 4 1/2 miles around Brussels in their annual cross-country race. Britisher Mal Batty wins but the two-legged traffic jam at the start is unbelievable. Thousands of runners run through an open field. A wooden fence row corals them through the countryside. Runners push on each other's backs attempting to start the race. The scene resembles something out of a concert or sporting event and not a marathon. A shot from the starting line shows a massive number of participants. Close-up of runners' legs and feet moving over grass. The winner runs under a large banner that reads, "Finish." Crowd shot. Close-up of the winner breathing heavily.

Clip: 425461_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-093-09
Location: University of Southern California's stadium
Timecode: 00:33:43 - 00:34:34

Oregon State upsets Southern California, 3-0, on the toe of Mike Haggard's field goal. It's their third upset this year and it drops the Trojans from number one national ranking snapping an 8-game winning streak. A black screen reads, "Football - Oregon State 3 - U.S.C. 0." Governor Ronald Reagan waves from a convertible as he is driven onto the sideline. Close-up of the Governor. Trojan Halfback, OJ Simpson, runs the ball in a play. Various running plays and a field goal kick. Fans rush the field. Various shots of fans converging on the field.

Clip: 425462_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-01
Location: Vietnam - battlefront
Timecode: -

Heavy Vietcong mortar attacks devastate the American base at Dakto. In three weeks of bitter fighting almost 200 Americans are lost while close to 1,000 of the enemy are killed. A black screen reads, "Mortar Attack - American Base Badly Damaged." Two aerial shots of the American base. Various shots of the damaged base from the ground. Transport planes, Jeeps, trenches and bunkers. Shot of a bombed out plane, jet fuel burning and a sign that reads, "Headquarters - 1st Brigade - 4th Infantry Division - United States Army - Col. Richard H. Johnson." The sign is fortified with sandbags. American troops fire mortar rounds into the surrounding hills from a fortified positions. Various close-ups of soldiers firing and positioning the guns.

Governor Romney
Clip: 425464_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-03
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Timecode: -

At a Detroit press conference, Michigan's Governor George Romney announces his candidacy for the '68 Republican Presidential nomination. He's the first announced Republican candidate. Governor George Romney and his wife walk onto a stage during a press conference. Standing at a podium, he announces his candidacy.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460062_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:55:48) Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Based on the statute that you referenced, does the FBI specifically have guidelines regarding cooperative arrangements with the local police? Mr. MONROE. Yes, we do. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN, Were those guidelines followed in this case? Mr. MONROE. Yes, they were. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Was there anything at all about the cooperation between the FBI and the Park Police in this case at variance with the practices or the procedures of the FBI? Mr. MONROE. None to my knowledge, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Have you, sir, had occasion to review the Park Police's procedures for homicide investigations? Mr. MONROE. The procedures, no, I have not. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Are you familiar at all with the Par Police general order 2310? Mr. MONROE. I am not, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Are you, nonetheless, prepared to express an opinion with regard to the activities of the Park Poll tern's Of their following proper procedures in regards to this investigation? Mr. MONROE. No, I am not, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Finally, was there anything about this investigation, in terms of the FBI involvement with this investigation, that was in any way at variance with any procedure of the FBI in these kit cases? Mr. MONROE. No, Senator. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Mr. Chairman-that's all I have by way of questions. Mr. Chairman, for the record, I don't know if it was introduced during the colloquy between Senator Sarbanes, and I don't know if Senator Gramm was here or not at the time, but I think it's important with regard to the issue of why we're here and talking about this at all, that the record reflect the resolution by Senator D'Amato asking for a special subcommittee to be developed for these hearings. This resolution at sub L says that the purpose of the special subcommittee is "the Park Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster" and then to point out that that resolution was rejected. Senator Mitchell countered with the final substitute that became S. Res. 229, which at sub B says "the Park Police investigation into the death of White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent Foster." I think it's very Important for the record to reflect the genesis of all this came from the pro- posal by the Senator from New York and that we are trying to ful- fill his request in that regard. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection, it will be made a part of the record. Senator Bennett. Senator BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm going to violate a rule that I understand is taught in law school. Since I didn't go to law school, I might be able to get away with that. The rule is never ask a question to which you do not know the answer in advance. I'm curious. I don't have the slightest idea what your answer is going to be, but I'd like to know. From the standpoint of curiosity, with no bidden agenda or desire to read anything into your answer, I just want to know. The FBI identified blond/light brown bead hairs of Caucasian origin dissimilar to Mr. Foster's on several pieces of clothing. Has the FBI investigation de termined the identity of those blond Caucasian head hairs? Mr. MONROE. No, we have not, sir, and I'd be glad to respond why not. Basically for the following reasons, sir. There were three blond hairs found on articles of clothing, as you've said. Our objec tive, as I've mentioned before, was to find out how Mr. Foster died, Why did he die, and whether Whitewater at all played any role. It was our professional judgment that trying to determine that ,hair would not lead us or advance us in this objective. And let me go one step further, if I could, sir. The source of this hair could have been boundless. It could have been obtained at work. There as a White House ceremony that morning. It could have been from his residence. It could have been from his %is automobile, which as used quite often by his children, during the autopsy, during period of time that the clothing was in the possession of the Park Police, any blond-haired person at the death scene, and 68 there's no way to determine whether or not those hairs were on those certain articles of clothing either on the day of his death or days previous to it. We were also very well aware, sir, that Mr. Foster's daughter, 21-

Clip: 425466_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-05
Location: Germany - church
Timecode: -

Priceless Holbein murals are discovered on the walls of a 1,000 year old church in West Germany. Painstakingly being restored, they represent one of the greatest art finds of the century. The exterior of the church is shown. Art critics, officials and the press stand in a room looking at the murals. In total, there are 18+ panels. Close-ups of the panels and the artist's initials. Artist Tony Mayor is shown restoring the panels. He dips his brush into a pallet, collects some paint and applies it to a panel.

Lynda's Shower
Clip: 425467_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-06
Location: Defense Secretary Robert McNamara home in Washingt
Timecode: -

Lynda Bird Johnson is given a bridal shower at the home of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. Only her closet friends attend. She'll be wed to Marine Captain Chuck Robb on December 17th. Lynda Bird Johnson and Mrs. Johnson walk from their car and are greeted by Mrs. McNamara at her front door. They shake hands, and pose for the camera. Close-up of Lynda.

India's Pilgrims
Clip: 425468_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-07
Location: India - River Ganges
Timecode: -

45. The 8-days bathing festival on the River Ganges brings more than a million Hindu pilgrims to the annual celebration. A dip in the water means purification and salvation and is also a thanksgiving for bumper crops. Flocks of Hindus walk caring children and supplies while dressed in traditional attire. One family rides a top an elephant. Various shots of a tent city along the Ganges. Shots of individual camps with the city. The river's shoreline. Hundreds of pilgrims wad in the water, and some bring their cows. Close-ups of individual pilgrims .

Clip: 425469_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-094-08
Location: California
Timecode: 00:39:09 - 00:41:11

Southern Cal becomes Pacific Coast champs and are Rose Bowl-bound after their 21-20 victory over UCLA. Trojan back O.J. Simpson scores the winning T.D. on a 64-yard run. Bruin quarterback Gary Beban is brilliant in defeat throwing two touchdown passes, as he duels with Simpson for Heismann Trophy honors. A black screen reads, "Football - USC 21 - UCLA 20." Crowd shot. Various plays: run, interception, TD, kick-off and field goal. Three plays involving OJ Simpson, including a 64-yard TD run.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460063_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(14:00:38) Senator BENNETT. As I say, I'm not trying to read anything into this. I just want to know and I think your answer has been forthcoming, and it contributes to the kind of let's -settle-this-once-andfor-all attitude that we're hearing here. We can put this aside now as anything sinister and I'm happy to do that. Mr. MONROE. There's nothing sinister whatsoever. Senator BENNETT. The second one is in the same category, I'm curious. The FBI identified carpet-type fibers of various colors, They contain red, dark pink wool fibers on various pieces of his clothing. Does the FBI have any idea where that came from? Was there any attempt made to -match that with any carpet in his home, car, or office? Mr. MONROE. No, sir, and for the same reasons I provided in response to your first question relative to the hairs. They were multiple colors. We bad no way to match those particular carpets up, outside the fact that they most likely came from his residence or from his office, and if we had any knowledge of any other venue or location he might have been at, specifically the day of his death, we would have done it. So once again, Senator, nothing sinister whatsoever. Senator BENNETT. Thank you, You made reference to the fact that the clothing might have been contaminated by being mixed with other clothing as part of the investigation. Is that one of the irregularities, significant or not, to which you would refer in response to the kind of thing that Senator Mack was talking about, that in 'hindsight, the clothing should have been sequestered better than it was or, once again, is that an insignificant item? Once a again, I don't know, I'm just curious. Mr. MONROE. It could gave been very significant. The clothing, after the autopsy, was commingled, and you're right, Senator, where that particular hair or fiber was attached to at the time of the FBI laboratory does not mean that's where it was when Mr. Foster met his death, In this particular case, I don't believe it was significant, but it could be in future cases. Senator BENNETT. Just to summarize what I think I'm hearing you say: If this had been a murder, then that procedure in handling the clothing would have been inexcusable. Since it was a suicide and we all know it's a suicide, it turns out not to have mattered. Is that a fair summary? Mr. MONROE, No, I don't think so. I'd like to clarify it. In any death investigation, we had overwhelming evidence to reflect that it was a suicide, and not to make a distinction between a homicide and a suicide. Obviously, a death is-determining the manner of death is important whether it be a suicide or homicide. Am I clarifying my response? Senator BENNETT, Not really, but it probably doesn't matter. Thank you. Mr. MONROE. Well, you were kind enough to ask the question. I'd like to be able to respond. 69 Senator BENNETT I guess what I'm getting at is whether or not the clothing-the handling of the clothing falls in the category of a lapse of proper procedure. We can put to the side the question of how significant the lapse would be, but is it, indeed, a lapse at all that the clothing was allowed to be contaminated at some point? Mr. MONROE,. All things considered, it should not have been done that way. Senator BENNETT. It shouldn't have been done that way. Thank you. Senator Shelby. The CHAIRMAN Y. Thank you Mr Chairman. I will be brief. I un- Senator SHELBY. understand the basic need, Mr. Chairman, to, as part of the mandate of the resolution hold a hearing into the death of Vincent Foster, but it's my understanding a- others have said and people have tes tified, like Dr. Hirsch, that it was a suicide. I have no reason to question that. I was hoping that we could close this forever and let the family go in peace. I'd like to express my regret to the family and friends of Vince Foster over this tragedy. That's all. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Shelby. Senator Domenici. Senator DOMENICI. Mr. Chairman.

Clip: 425470_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-095-01
Location: Vietnam - jungle
Timecode: 00:41:30 - 00:42:10

Jet bombing strikes, heavy artillery fire, and advancing paratroopers finally take Hill 875 after 3 days of some of the most furious fighting of the Vietnam War. A black screen reads, "Foe's Last Line - U.S. Troops Take Hill 875." An American bomber flies over a destroyed forest. Smoke rises from the forest. American troops hike over lying trees and branches. A soldier speaks into a field telephone while smoking a cigarette. Captured ammunitions are poured from cloth bags and displayed for the camera. Grenades, mortar shells, foot sandals.

Eye Research Award
Clip: 425472_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-095-03
Location: Germany, USA
Timecode: -

Doctors Gerd Meyer-Schwickerath of West Germany and Charles Stephens of Boston share the $25,000 Research to Prevent Blindness Trustees Award. Both men pioneered in the treatment of damaged and diseased retinas. MCA Board Chairman Jules Stein, former eye specialist, presides at the award ceremony. Black-Tie dinner. The doctors are shown talking as a server dispenses them a coffee cup and saucer. A man gives them a plaque and a check while on a stage.

Pope Paul
Clip: 425473_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1766
Original Film: 040-095-04
Location: Vatican, Rome, Italy
Timecode: -

Pope Paul makes his first public appearance since surgery on the balcony over Saint Peter's square. 25,000 hear him give thanks and bless the vast throng. Saint Peter's Square, Vatican, Rome, Italy A man stands on a box to take a picture. Thousands gather in Saint Peter's Square. Pope Paul stands in a window slowly waving at the religious onlookers. They clap and make the sign of the cross. He to makes the sign of the cross.

Displaying clips 3001-3024 of 10000 in total
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