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July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460056_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:25:43) The CHAIRMAN. Let me just add a bit of clarification here, and then I want to move along, because I want our witnesses to be able to respond to questions. The understanding between the two leaders was that the various elements of this whole subject would be dealt with in the order in which Mr. Fiske finished his work, and he bad undertaken that issue, and the other two issues in our charter here now and he anticipated being finished with those. And so we were tracking behind him n a way to review without interfering with that work. The simple fact is-and we have not stressed this today-that as Mr. Fiske completes other aspects of his work in the future, Senator Mitchell has made it very clear in his statements that there will be additional efforts that will go on at a later time to answer other questions that may arise outside the scope of this resolution. So it should be clearly understood that this is, as I understand it, the first phase of an examination of these issues, that is done in a way as not to interfere with Mr. Fiske's work. That's why one of the three issues we were given to look at, we've bad to put aside temporarily because Mr. Fiske found out that be wasn't going to be finished on time, so we've respected that fact. Senator D'AMATO. Mr. Chairman, if I might. In the spirit of not coming so far that we all look Silly) I think the response-and rightfully so- from some of the members on our side was aimed at answering, at least, an innuendo that somehow this side was responsible for dredging up and dragging up this horrible situation that we were going to call upon the family. It's not our intent. We're all bound by the resolution. There's no one here in particular who said we have to start this first, The question is whether or not ordinary procedures were followed. I think that's where most of us were going, whether there were standard procedures that were interfered with. I know that that's where a number of our Members are going, and I think that's important, but I think it pales in comparison to the other areas that all of my colleagues on both sides have addressed. I don't think we do ourselves any good by going over and trying to say one side is ghoulish and the other side isn't. That's not the case. The CHAIRMAN. May I ask for guidance, Members who are here on both sides, bow many desire to pose questions to this panel? I just want- Senator Kerry, Senator Campbell, and Senator; Moseley-Braun does. On this side, Senator Bond has had a first. turn, wants a second turn, Senator Mack, Senator Faircloth, and Senator Domenici. Senator BENNETT. I might. The CHAIRMAN. All right. Senator Mack. Senator MACK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to direct my first question to Mr. Monroe, and it has to do with the issue of the pager and the telephone calls, I want to understand how you know that someone, either Mr. Nussbaum or someone in his office, attempted to page or to call Vincent Foster. Mr. MONROE, I'll defer to Bill on that. Mr. COLOMBELL. Senator, I tried to anticipate questions that you would ask. That was one area that I did not 'Anticipate, but I do 59 know that there were attempts to page him from Mr. Nussbaum and either from someone in his office Senator MACK. You think that information came from somebody volunteering it. Mr. COLOMBELL. That information was developed during our investigation. Senator MACK. Would it have been helpful to you to have bad the pager? Mr. COLOMBELL. I'm sorry, Senator. I didn't hear you. Senator MACK. Would it have been helpful to you to have bad the pager? I understand that some of these pagers have a memory device. If you had bad that pager, would that have been helpful to you? Mr. COLOMBELL. Initially I thought it would have been, but again, I'm going from recollection. I looked into that aspect of the investigation with technical lab people, with the FBI and there was some question as to whether, if we tried to get the pager at this point in time, we could have retrieved any info. nNow' if we had it-I was not involved in this investigation back in

Rams - Colts
Clip: 425529_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-102-07
Location: A Western Division Football stadium
Timecode: -

Behind the great passing of Roman Gabriel and a tremendous pass-rush defense, the Rams beat the Boston Baltimore Colts, 34-40, and take the NFL's Coastal Division title. They'll face the Packers for the Western Conference crown. A black screen reads "Football - Rams 34 - Colts 10." Crowd shots. Various plays are shown including several T.D. passes, an interception, and one awesome one thrown after heavy defense. A fan jumps in the stands holding a sign that reads, "Rams."

Southwest Snow
Clip: 425530_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-01
Location: American Southwest
Timecode: -

Six days of blizzards maroon huge areas of the Southwest. Six deaths are reported and many Indian reservations are isolated. Air Force helicopters air-drop food, medicine, and feed the livestock and wild game. Snow covered trees and hills. A plow clears the roads and deer run across the road. A black screen reads, "Snowstorm - Hundreds Trapped In Southwest." Several beautiful shots of trees and plants covered in heavy snow. Limbs sag under the weight - icicles. A massive snowplow pushes feet of snow from a mountain road. A deer attempts to jump over a snow bank. Additional footage shows the deer running down the middle of the road.

Oil Fire
Clip: 425531_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-02
Location: Los Angeles, California's El Segundo Oil Refinery
Timecode: -

A half-million gallons of oil fed spectacular flames at Los Angeles' "El Segundo" refinery. The first was started when a bolt of lighting ignited a wooden cover to an oil reservoir. Enormous black clouds of smoke rise from the ground. Spectacular balloons of dense black, black smoke are thrown from a burning lake of oil. Fire fighters stand helplessly looking of the blaze. Various shots of fire mixing with smoke. Aerial shots show the train of smoke moving through the sky causing massive air pollution.

Plane Crash
Clip: 425532_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-03
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Timecode: -

An Air Force jet smashes into a Tucson supermarket, killing five and injuring seventeen. The pilot failed in an attempt to steer his crippled craft to a nearby golf course. Fire pours from a shopping center, while firemen attempt to battle the blaze. Aftermath shots of the following day. Rescue workers walk over pills of brick. There is no sign of the crashed jet.

Clip: 425533_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-04
Location: New York City
Timecode: -

New York begins its "Sculpture of the Month" project by installing Clement Meadmore's two ton work, "Upstart" on Fifth Avenue at Central Park. Each month, a new contemporary work will be show. A crane and laborers work to move a large sculpture into position in downtown New York City. The crane operator shifts levers forward and back. A dedication plate. The sculpture spins as it is moved into place. It resembles a tall spiral.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460057_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:30:40) Senator MACK. I'm not trying to be critical about whether you had it or didn't have it. We have been told that the two of you, first of all, let me say I share Senator Gramm's-- Mr. COLOMBELL. If we had it, it could have been helpful to the investigation, yes. Senator MACK. What would you have done with it if you had it? Mr. COLOMBELL. I would have attempted to determine if there was an any other information contained in the pager that might have assisted us, in particular, in trying to determine Mr. Foster s activities from 1 until 5,30 p.m. on that Tuesday afternoon. Senator MACK. Is that because some pagers, in fact, do have a memory? You would have been able to tell who paged and who called him? Mr. COLOMBELL. I'm not qualified to answer that question. I would have to consult with folks in our FBI lab. Senator MACK. Why do you say it would have been helpful if you 'had the pager? Mr. COLOMBELL. I think I said it would have been helpful if we had the pager. Senator MACK. Why would it have been helpful if you had bad the pager? Mr. COLOMBELL. We could have retrieved the information. Senator MACK. I'm gathering that there are some pagers that would have information that would indicate there had been a call made and the number the call came from. I Mr. COLOMBELL. I think all pagers would have that information, Senator. Senator Mack A moment ago you were all asked the question about whether there were irregularities in the investigation and maybe we have different definitions as to what the term "irregularities" means, so let me pose a couple of thoughts to you all and get tour reaction to them. If this bad been an investigation that the Bureau bad jurisdiction over, would you have released the pager? Mr. MONROE. Let me answer the first question, Senator. The first question is whether or not, in our perspective, the U.S. Park 60 Police engaged in any significant irregularities and our response was not to our knowledge. That was the first thing, was it a signifi. cant irregularity? I'm not aware of, personally aware of, what the Park Police position was in regards to releasing the pager. If we had jurisdiction over this case es we would have taken that pager and reviewed it, sir, but whether or not that's a significant irregularity, it could be a semantic one, and I'd rather not say that, sir. Senator MACK. I apologize for my tone. I don't mean to be aggressively coming at you. I'm really just looking for information, and I did state that I thought it's possible we will have differing definitions of "irregularities.' So the thrust of what I'm trying to et at here is, under normal procedures, would most investigating bodies have kept control of that pager ? Mr. MONROE. I would think so, Senator MACK. Let me ask you this: If the Federal Bureau of Investigation bad jurisdiction, how would you have gone about securing Vincent Foster's office? Would you have merely placed a call to the White House and asked that it be done, or would it have been Mr. MONROE. Senator, that's rather hypothetical, and number two, it's starting to get into an area which is still under investigation by Mr. Fiske and his staff, and that is follow up into the White House and I would respectfully ask that you consider that. The CHAiRmAN. We don't want to go into that area and I think your concern is appropriately stated and heard, and we need to respect that. Senator MACK. Do you think that the premature turnover of Vincent Foster's personal effects was unusual? Would have maintained control of his personal effects until they had been completely physically catalogued? Mr, MONROE. Not knowing all of the personal effects, we probably would have, from an FBI perspective. But I don't want to imply any irregularity on the part of the Park Police because the personal effects that we did obtain during this investig ation were of significant value to us in determining the nature of his death, so I would say that the clothing we bad was of measurable value in determining his cause of death, sir.

Report From Vietnam
Clip: 426541_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-014-01
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:32:12 - 00:33:38

The frustrating war in Viet Nam is not only a battle against the Vietcong but against another formidable enemy - the jungle! It is a series of minor battles, small pockets of action like the one pictured here. Loyal government troops flush the Red rebels from foxholes near Saigon and kill 82 with the loss of 8 government men. Aerial of Vietnam s jungle, you also see the front part of a machine barrel in the shot. Inside the cock pit of the helicopter. Helicopter landing and kicking up a lot of debris. South Vietnamese soldier pointing to a map. News media members taking notes. South Vietnamese soldiers checking out fox holes in the jungle. South Vietnamese setting up guns to shoot mortars. Confiscated Communist weapons. Wounded South Vietnamese soldiers being attended to. Aerial shot - Vietnam jungle.

Snow Can Be Beautiful
Clip: 426542_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-014-02
Location: Sapporo, Japan
Timecode: 00:33:39 - 00:34:30

In Japan they don't just sit around a hot hibachi and wait for s-p-r-i-n-g when it snows. They hold a festival with towering ice sculptures that attracts people from all over the nation. It's a sad day when warm weather arrives and the show goes down the drain. People dressed up in winter gear walking down the street' of Northern Japan in a parade. Snow festival with a huge carved Buddha out of ice. People walking by Polar Bears carved out of ice. A temple carved from ice. Train carved from ice. (ice sculpture)

Strange Bedfellows - means Beauty
Clip: 426543_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-014-03
Location: Florida
Timecode: 00:34:30 - 00:35:40

The world premiere of the new Universal comedy, "Strange Bedfellows" is a gala affair in Florida. They dedicate a new plush theatre in Hollywood, Florida and hold a beauty contest to select "Miss Gina" - names for the picture's star, Gina Lollobrigida. Gig Young, who is also in the "Strange Bedfellows", does the honors for the beauty winner. A new Florida Theatre opens in Hollywood, Florida. A huge spot light. Marquee on the new Theatre "Strange Bedfellows" In Person - Gina Lollobrigida, Gig Young. Police and a crowd of men standing around in front of the Theater. Gina Lollobrigida and Gig Young. Beach Theatre - people waling around in front of it. Marquee, Rock Hudson, Gina Lollobrigida, Gig Young "Strange Bedfellows" there are some bathing beauties standing under the marquee. People standing behind the ropes at the movie theatre, some ladies are wearing hats. The bathing beauties are lined up. Evening, spot lights and a movie theatre all lit up. Gig Young kissing one of the bathing beauties, standing next to his is Gina Lollobrigida. The audience in the movie theatre, a husband and wife waving at the camera. Gig Young, bathing beauty 'Sally" and Gina Lollobrigida.

New Track Records: World Marks Set In Two Meets
Clip: 426544_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-014-04
Location: Los Angeles, California
Timecode: 00:35:40 - 00:36:31

The indoor track season jumps off to a record start on both the East and West Coast. Mary Rand of Britain sets a new broad-jump record in Los Angeles, beating the old mark by more than a foot. Willie White long jumps 20 feet. Sport spectators. Mary Rand of Great Britain jumps for 20 feet 10 inches. Running down the mat is Igor Terovanesyan. Here comes the American, Ralf Boston and he jumps 26 feet 4 and 3/4 inches.

Foil Fantastic Plot - US Shrines Target Of Dynamiters
Clip: 426545_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-015-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:38:32 - 00:40:40

It was like something out of a cheap paper - back thriller - a plot to blow up American landmarks: The Statue Of Liberty, The Liberty Bell and the Washington Monument. New York Police say one of their undercover men discovered the aims of three Extremist African Americans and a White Canadian girl. Dynamite was seized in New York City vacant lot as the four were arraigned and held in high bail. A nice shot of the Statue Of Liberty or a Spring or Summer day. Independence Hall in Philadelphia and this is where the Liberty Bell is sheltered. Liberty Bell. Washington Monument and the Reflection Pond. Washington Monument with traffic passing by. Parking lot of an apartment building. Bomb squad men moving in to remove a cash of dynamite. The truck which is transporting the dynamite. Robert Callier from the Extremist African American Group handcuffed and led away by police. Michelle Duclos of Montreal being led away by police. Khaleel Sultarn Sayyed handcuffed and led away by police. With his face hidden the hero cop who helped capture these people is promoted on the spot, to Detective.

A Wee Bit 'O Scotch: Terrier Takes Best In Westminster Show
Clip: 426546_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-015-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:40:41 - 00:42:05

Twenty-five hundred dogs put their best paw forward as they point towards Best In Show at the Westminster Kennel club classic. When the eliminations are over the Top dog is Champion Carmichael's Fanfare - Mamie to her friends, the first Scottish Terrier to win the Best in Show in 15 years. Long Live Mamie! New York, NY Rough Coat Fox Terrier being brushed. A Belington Terrier being brushed. Looks like a nice English Setter getting brushed, all that hair. Sheep Dog. Bull Dogs. Hound Dog. Poodle laying down getting brushed. Dalmatian. The Breed Ring with the handlers and their dogs. Handlers showing off different breeds of dogs for the coveted prize of Best Of Show. BOS winner a Scottish Terrier, Ch. Carmichaels Fan Fair. Ch. Carmichaels Fan Fair standing with all his prizes, a silver loving cup, silver bowl and other things that are out of the picture.

Golden Gloves: Fast Action Marks Amateur Bouts
Clip: 426547_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-015-03
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:42:05 - 00:44:07

New York's annual fist-fest, the Golden Gloves if highlighted by some whirlwind action and some hilarious now-you -miss-em--now-you-don't action. These 175 - pounders are all heart and they know how to stage a thrilling show. Bang......Bang.......Bang..... New York, New York Over head shot of the boxing ring and the boxing fans, there's a lot of smoke rising from the fans. That's something you do not see today at the fights or wrestling matches. 175 lb. sub novice class and the boxer in the dark trunks, Dick Johnson knocks down Sal Bellentoni. Men watching the fight stand up and start complaining. Sal Bellentoni is on the receiving end of the boxing match, he falls down once again. gets up and Johnson knocks him down again. Its a TKO. Two more fighters are boxing, and this time the guy in the dark trunks, Charlie Geo hits the mat by Robin Laboard. Labord has Robin in the corner and he punches him right out of the ring. Louie Varetta is wearing the white sneakers and Raffel Swartz are in the ring. Louie Varetta knocks down Raffel Swartz and he calls it a night.

Water For Gitmo: New Plants Supply US Cuban Base
Clip: 426548_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-016-01
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Timecode: 00:44:37 - 00:46:02

A year-long shortage of water at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo, Cuba, comes to an end as three distilling plants go into operation. Castro rationed the water. We answered by cutting off the pipe line and taking it in from the States. The base is now self-sufficient - far as water is concerned. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Cuban street, bill board 'Water Condition - Alpha - Conserve Always Be Water Conscious' A sailor walks up to the sign and he takes off the word 'Alpha' and replaces with the word ' Charlie' (this means that Base has all the water it can use) A water faucet attached to a house or shed and a hand turning on the water, there's a hose connected to the water faucet. The hose is taken off the water faucet and the hand turns on the water full blast. Exterior of a water plant. A sprinkler turned on watering the grass. A little boy wearing a sailor hat drinking water from a water hose. Little boy washing his bike with the watering hose. A man washing his car with a turned on water hose. Man kneeling down cleaning and watering his license plate ' US NB (naval base) GTMO Cuba.

The First Engineer: New Clues To Tombn Of Pyramid Builder
Clip: 426549_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-016-02
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Timecode: 00:46:02 - 00:47:30

The Step Pyramid near modern Cairo was built 5,000 years ago by the world's first engineer. Imhotep by name. For three decades a search has been on for his tomb. Recent discoveries point to new clues to the site of the tome. where frescoes and ancient writings might be found to reveal more about this true Christian era genius. Three men walking among the Pyramid ruins in Cairo. On the site, workers have dug out an entrance way into the tomb and are passing along bags of sand. Inside the tomb there are paintings on the wall, they look a little faded. Armed Moosa a professor of Egyptology and then he climbs out of a small opening in the tomb. The professor is pointing out different hieroglyphics that have been painted on the wall and at the bottom two carved out and painted heads of men. Two laborers carrying out a sarcophagus. They lift off the lid to the sarcophaguses and there was a mummy.

The Animal Corner: China's Kids Meet Zoo Residents
Clip: 426550_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-016-03
Location: Formosa, Taiwan
Timecode: 00:47:30 - 00:48:32

It's children's day at the Taipei Zoological Garden on the Island of Formosa. You can't get in unless accompanied by a child. The animals seem to sense they have a "something else" audience and put on one of their best performances. The crowd of people at the zoo. A monkey performing on high wires. Monkey riding a two wheeler bike through fire. Two goats on a teeter totter. Three Cockatiels riding on a teeter totter. Zoo crowd. In the cage a female lion jumps through a hoop that's on fire. No bars, bear on a barrel. CUS Two children looking through something that looks like huge chicken wire at the performing animals. A bear in his cage bouncing up and down dancing, his handler briefly gets into the shot.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460058_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:35:40) Senator MACK. I was thinking about his wallet, for example, since it was mentioned earlier. Mr. COLOMBELL. Could I possibly Senator MACK. Were the personal belongings under continuous control so you know all of the information contained there when it was finally turned over to you? Mr. COLOMBELL. Could I possibly assist in responding, Senator? Senator MACK, Sure. Mr. COLOMBELL. The Park Police are colleagues of ours that we work with frequently, they didn't have 20/20 hindsight and we didn't have 20/20 hindsight and we're being subjected to quite a bit of criticism with regard to our investigation, But I think the nature of your questions, the Park Police concluded fairly quickly, I would say a matter of 20 to 24 hours, that it was clearly a suicide and bad substantial evidence I believe, to support that conclusion and once they had reached that conclusion. I think some of the ques 61 tions that you're asking now could best be directed to them, but the Senator MACK. Mr. Colombell, I'm of the impression Senator DODD. Can I answer the question? Senator MACK. It's my time. You use your time the way you want to use it. Senator KERRY. Your time has expired. The CHAIRMAN. Go ahead, Senator Mack. Your time is up, but I think you should be allowed to complete this question, so do so. Mr. MONROE. Excuse me, Senator Mack., as Mr. Colombell said, the determination by the Park Police as to the cause of Mr. Foster's death was one that was made fairly quickly by the Park Police. Senator MACK. What time was that? Mr. MONROE. I can't recall, Obviously, it wasn't as long as the 31/2-4 months we took. Senator MACK. The issues I'm raising happened In the first 24 hours. Mr. MONROE. I can't tell you an exact time when that determina- tion was made. can say during our interviews that the Park Police insisted that the investigation be conducted as a homicide investigation as you would do in any equivocal death, sir, as you know, but the period of time- the time that they made a decision, I, don't know the exact time, but it wasn't too far past the time of death. And therefore, some of the evidence could very well have been returned to its owner which we probably wouldn't have done based on the hindsight that' we have right now, Senator. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Mack. I might say we will have the Park Police investigators here in the afternoon, so you'll be able to put those questions to them. Senator Kerry. Senator KERRY. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. You know, I mentioned in my opening about bow I thought it was really important that we don't sort of fantasize and not exaggerate or create things that don't exist here. We just spent a lot of time about this magical pager. It is a fact, is it not, Mr. Monroe, that the pager was found by the first investigator to arrive at the body to be turned off; is that accurate? Mr. MONROE. That is correct. Senator KERRY. And a turned-off pager doesn't receive messages? Mr. MONROE. It does not. Senator KERRY. I have one of the White House pagers right in front of me here. This precise pager, when turned off, cancels all messages, does it not? Mr. MONROE. I'm not aware whether or not it canceled all prior messages. KERRY. It does, just like Senate pagers, when 'you turn if off, you start anew when you turn it back on. Fairly fundamental I think. But the most important ingredient is when en Vincent Poster's body was found, the pager was off; is that accurate? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. With respect to the mystery of this potential leak, there's no allegation, is there, at this point, that anybody Made a leak with respect to Judge Hale; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. There is no indication of that whatsoever. 62 Senator KERRY. No evidence whatsoever that there was ever leak; is that accurate? Mr. MONROE. That's correct. Senator KERRY. And the procedure of the FBI when a warrant is signed is that the opposing attorney does not learn of the existence of a warrant until it is served?

The National Christmas Tree
Clip: 425520_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-101-06
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:32:45 - 00:33:15

Santa comes by minicar to place the star on top of the National Christmas Tree on the White House lawn. The tree, a 70 foot beauty, is lighted as part of President Johnson's annual "Pageant of Peace." Washington DC - The White House Lawn The National Christmas Tree is shown with a network of scaffolding around it. A man dressed in a Santa costume pulls up to the tree in a Corvette mini-car holding a tree top star. Holding the star in the air, he waves it around in a jolly fashion, and then begins ascending to the top. An attendant helps secure the star to the top of the tree.

Hydrofoil Gunboat
Clip: 425534_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-05
Location: Seattle waterfront
Timecode: -

The Navy unveils its new hydrofoil gunboat, "Tucumcari". It can hit speeds of 40 knots an hour and will carry a 40- millimeter gun, a mortar, and two sets of twin machine guns. The Tucumcari idles through a waterway on its' way out to sea. The ship's captain speaks into his headset. The ship is shown hovering over the water speeding past the Seattle waterfront (A VERY COOL SHOT). The next shot shows a small yacht moving through the water. Suddenly, here comes the Tucumcari flying by throwing up a massive spray of water. The ship looks like it is water skiing in two aerial shots.

Thristy Birds
Clip: 425536_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-07
Location: Australia
Timecode: -

Hundreds of thousands of birds die in one of Australia's worst drought in years. Livestock is also hard hit and forest fires add to the misery. The birds drown one another by sheer weight of numbers while flocking to a nearby water dam. A tree is swarmed by thousands of birds. Various shots of the sky filled with birds. A boy watches. Flocks land in a pond. Close-up of several birds fluttering their wings as they land in the water. A shoreline covered by countless birds. A close-up of a dead bird washing up on shore.

Clip: 425537_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-08
Location: Austria - Alps
Timecode: -

Austria is the surprise winner over France in the first major skiing event of the season in Europe. Billy Kidd of the U.S. ties for second in the combined slalom in this Winter Olympic preview. A mountain peak has a small crowd of skiers and fans gathered around. Skiers come out of time gates. Excellent footage of slalom racing. Close-ups of racers.

Clip: 425538_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1767
Original Film: 040-103-09
Location: Boston
Timecode: -

Unbeaten heavyweight contender Joe Frazier stops Marion Conner in the third round for a TKO victory, his 19th straight win. He becomes the top candidate to take over Cassius Clay's crown. Just the basic footage, but the quality is good. No close-ups, only the view from the press box.

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460060_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:45:35) The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Senator KERRY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. Senator Faircloth is next in the order, Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The first question is to Special A gent Monroe. I notice there's &en a number of questions that you have not been able to answer. Do you know or could you tell me why Robert Fiske isn't here today to talk about the Fiske Report himself? Mr. MONROE. Let me respond to the first comment as to the questions I could not answer. I am able to answer, Senator with all due respect, those questions that pertain to bow did Mr. Foster 'die, what was the cause of his death, and did Whitewater play any role, sir. So with all due respect, I'm able to answer those questions to the best of my ability. The second question you asked as to Mr. Fiske not being here, and I do not know, but my sense is that was situation or an issue that Mr. Fiske dealt with with the Chairman as to his appearance. I would say that his not being here, with 'ill due respect also, should not be any indication of the leadership that he has exerted on this particular aspect of the Whitewater issue, Senator. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you, Mr, Monroe, and I have several questions so the briefer you would be, the more I will be able to get to. Fiske claims because of scandals collectively known as Whitewater were used, there's no evidence Whitewater played any role ,in the depression that led to the suicide. Were you made aware before his death Vincent Foster had prepared and filed 3 years of delinquent tax returns for the Clinton's Whitewater partnership? MONROE. I was not personally aware of that. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Well, be did file 3 years delinquent tax re- Mr. MONROE. Thank you, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Are you also aware Foster bad finished the work to place the Clintons' assets into a blind trust? 64 Mr, MONROE. Yes, I was aware of that, sir, but his responsibility there, to the best of my knowledge, was simply as an intermediary to get the President to sign a form, That was being handled by another party. Senator FAIRCLOTH. In 1992, the Whitewater issue surfaced in the Clinton Presidential campaign and the Clintons hired an attorney who, of course, cleared them of any wrong. Later Whitewater resurfaced in the so- called Lyons report and was thoroughly discredited. Are you aware of the Whitewater report and the fact that James Lyons was to meet with Vince Foster the day after he died? Could that have affected his state of mind? Mr. MONROE. I was aware of his scheduled meeting with Mr. Foster the day after his death. Whether or not that had any impact on his state of mind would be mere conjecture on my part, Senator. Senator FAIRCLOTH. At the end of last month, Robert Fiske said be would have his report in the Whitewater phase complete, shortened I believe he said, in 10 days. Then he said it would be delayed. We have just recently learned that Robert Fiske had not even subpoenaed the White House documents, How was he planning to. so shortly have his report when he hadn't even seen the papers in the White House? Mr. MONROE. Two parts of your question. Those documents had already been subpoenaed, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. When were they subpoenaed? Mr. MONROE. The exact date, I don't know. Senator FAIRCLOTH. I mean, this week or in March? Mr. MONROE. I'm not aware of when they were subpoenaed, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. According to what we've been able to find out he had not even subpoenaed them fairly recent, but-does he know when? Mr. MONROE. I don't know the exact date of the subpoena. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Does the man who's prompting you know when? Mr. MONROE. I'm sorry, no. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Does the man prompting you know better The CHAiRmAN. Senator Faircloth, if you will permit me to interrupt you for a moment. I don't want to knock you off the line of questioning, but there is a concern as to whether that line of dis cussion starts to move into the active phase of the investigation that Mr. Fiske may still have ongoing that he's asked us not to, cross into, and so I think, Mr. Monroe may, in fact, not be in a position to do that without us getting outside our scope as we've laid it out.

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