
July 29, 1994 - Part 3

July 29, 1994 - Part 3
Clip: 460061_1_1
Year Shot: 1994 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 10053
Original Film: 102860
Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building
Timecode: -

(13:50:37) I want to make certain that we're not, in effect, tampering with an ongoing part of the investigation by Mr. Fiske in this area:. We're going to get answers to those questions in due course, I want to be certain that we're not, in effect, crowding into area here, and I won't say that's your intention. I just want to b~, sure we ' re not, Mr. MONROE. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm also trying to responsive as best I can. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you. Turn the clock back on. 65 Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Hirsch., what is your relationship with Robert Fiske? Dr. HIRSCH. I have no ongoing or previous relationship with Mr Fiske. I was asked to serve as a consultant to his investigation. never met him before, and I don't anticipate hearing from him in the future. re. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you ever visited Fort Marcy Park? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Were you present at the Foster autopsy? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you actually examined the gun that was identified as the suicide weapon? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you actually examined any other physical evidence? Dr. HIRSCH. Let me go back to the question-I haven't had the kind physical evidence in my hand. I've seen photographs of it and I've seen the results of test firings of the gun to produce certain gunpowder patterns, particularly the escape of gunpowder in the ap of the front of the cylinder and the breach end of the barrel. So I've had direct access to that type of evidence. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Have you interviewed anyone involved in the case other than Dr. Beyer? Dr. HIRSCH. I didn't personally interview Dr. Beyer. That was done by the forensic pathologist, Dr. Luke, who was part of our panel. I believe you asked me something about photographic evidence? Senator FAIRCLOTH. No, I didn't ask about photographic Dr. HIRSCH. I'm sorry, Senator FAIRCLOTH. Who have you interviewed involved in the case? Dr. HIRSCH. Who at the Senator FAIRCLOTH. You did not interview Dr. Beyer. Who did you interview? Dr. HIRSCH. I have spoken with the agents who are investigating and with agents who did work in the laboratory, but I didn't personally interview the Park Police or the medical personnel. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Dr. Hirsch, did Robert Fiske or any of his representatives talk to you about your conclusions prior to the public release of your report? Dr. HIRSCH. Of course, Senator FAIRCLOTH. So Robert Fiske and his representatives talked with you about your conclusions prior to the public release Of your report? Dr. HIRSCH. Senator, we attended a meeting at the office of the Independent Counsel at which time I saw all of the available evi dence, the microscopic slides, the photographic documentation. Senator FAIRCLOTH. I understand that, but my question Dr. HIRSCH. Mr. Fiske was present at that meeting, And the pa thologist explained our interpretation of the evidence that we saw and the findings. So Mr. Fiske was directly made aware of that. The pathologist, then in an Adelphi fashion, if you will, by circulating drafts of our report, all saw it, all participated in its 66 authorship, and I'm certain that Mr. Fiske saw that before it was published in this report. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Did you talk with Robert Fiske about your conclusions? Did you talk to him about it? Dr. HIRSCH. I was a participant in the meeting, and I expressed my opinions to Robert Fiske about the interpretation of the medical findings. Senator FAIRCLOTH. You discussed this with him and he knew what was coming out? Dr. HIRSCH. Yes, sir. He knew how I felt about this evidence an( how we all did. Senator FAIRCLOTH. One more question. Dr. Hirsch, the biog- raphies of the pathologists fill up a large portion of the Fiske Re port on the death of Vince Foster, The Fiske Report puts a good bit of stock in a person called a confidential witness. Did you eve talk to the confidential witness? Dr. HIRSCH. No, sir. Senator FAIRCLOTH. Thank you. The CHAIRmAN. Thank you. Senator Moseley-Braun. Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a couple of specific questions for Mr. Monroe or whoever is inclined to answer. The FBI was contacted on the 21st by the Park Police and asked to come into the case; is that correct? Mr. MONROE. That's correct, to come in to participate, I believe, for the search of Vincent Foster's office, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN. Was this request routine in cases such as this? Mr. MONROE. Yes, it was, Senator. Please bear in mind the legislation there is the Presidential and Presidential staff assassination statute and not to take your valuable time, based on the preliminary investigation in which we found no criminal activity, preliminary, the lead agency based on agreement with the Park Police and what we do is render whatever assistance they might request.