
Beatlemania! Uproar Greets Their Return Home

Beatlemania! Uproar Greets Their Return Home
Clip: 429597_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1721
Original Film: 037-017-02
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:02:12 - 00:04:27

Twelve thousand screaming teenagers jam London Airport to welcome the Beatles back from their U.S. triumphs. Our staff scientist -- in an odd moment -- calculated that this young mob generated enough energy to put three Atlas missiles into orbit and to power fifty four thousand transistor radios. The Beatles did what the Redcoats couldn't do in the American Revolution -- they conquered the Colonies. Beatles exit plane displaying words "Jet Clipper Beatles" and wave to their fans. London, England London Air Port Control Tower, evening time. MS - Welcome Home Beatles spelled out in flowers. Teens laying on the floor of the airport waiting for the Beatles arrival home. MS - Dawn coming up with the sun rising in the sky. MLS - Airport building, teenagers standing shoulder to shoulder on the top of an air port building. CUS - Teenage girl, crying, running her hands through her hair and moving about. CUS - Jet Clipper Beatles, shades pulled down on the air plane. More teens lined up on the building holding signs and banners, welcoming home the Beatles. MCUS - The Beatles disembarking from their flight. All kinds of cheering going on. CUS - Teenage girls crying, jumping up and down MLS - Pan Am Jet Liner with the Beatles disembarking and throngs of people surrounding them. CUS - John, Paul, Gerorge and Ringo smiling CUS - Britain Bobbies standing behind an 8 to 10 feet wire fence, the crowd is right up on the fence. CUS - More teenage girls jumping, and crying.. Aerial shot - Throngs and throngs of people, one young fan fainted and is being carried away by the Bobbies. MS - Airline personal (pilots and attendants looking out the window of the building and their cracking up. MS - Police officer or pilot pulling a teenage girl over the fence, she is more than likely fanning a faint. CUSOH - The Beatles. LSOH - The crowd waving, jumping and crying. OHS - This looks scary as the Bobbies and Security Personal escort the Beatles into a van.