
Johnson At United Nations

Johnson At United Nations
Clip: 429184_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-103-01
Location: New York, NY
Timecode: 00:40:45 - 00:43:10

Johnson At United Nations. President Lyndon Johnson addresses the United Nations General Assembly and sets forth a declaration of his new administration's policy in world affairs. His arrival is shielded by a tight security guard but he receives a standing ovation by the delegates. He reaffirms United States support for the United Nations and outlines the aims of his administration. Mainly an end to the cold war and to conquer hunger, disease and ignorance. New York, NY President Johnson arrives at the United Nations with tons of security surrounding him as he's walking into the building. MLS - Secretary General U Thant welcomes the President shaking his hand. MS - The General Assembly gives President Johnson a standing ovation. MOHS - The General Assembly standing and applauding President Johnson. President Lyndon Baines Johnson, "The United States of America wants to see the Cold War end. We want to see it end for once and for all. The United States wants to prevent the dissemination of nuclear weapons to nations, not now processing them. The United States wants to press on with arms control and reduction. The United States want to cooperate with all the members of this organization, to conquer everywhere the ancient enemies of mankind, hunger and decease and ignorance. The United States wants sanity and security and peace for all. And above all, President Kennedy, I'm sure, would regard as his best memorial, the fact that in his three years as President, the world became a little safer and the way ahead became a little brighter." The General Assembly receives President Johnson by giving him a standing ovation.