
African Birds II - Crowned Plover

African Birds II - Crowned Plover
Clip: 427312_1_1
Year Shot:
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 2046
Original Film:
Location: Africa
Timecode: -

(Tape One) Crowned plover running across dust 09:48:08 Tiny crowned plover chick running across dried grass and dust 09:48:28 MS of the tiny chick stand stick straight, profile, turning and looking, walking, trips 09:48:51 Wider view shows adult crowned plover walking in different direction, MS of chick walking, passes adult, pecks at ground 09:51:25 Adult crowned plover pecking at ground, comes back up, head at angle like it watching something above it, MS of semi-profile of adult plover 09:52:26 MS of adult crowned plover walks, pecks