
UN Bars Peking - Close Vote Rejects Move To Seat Reds

UN Bars Peking - Close Vote Rejects Move To Seat Reds
Clip: 426833_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1742
Original Film: 038-093-01
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:26:33 - 00:27:35

For the 15th time the United Nations considers the admission of Red China to the world body. The US again leads the opposition to a resolution that would oust Nationalist China and seat the Reds. This year, however, the pattern of voting changes are more and more countries either vote to admit Red China or abstain. The final result is 47 to 47 with 20 abstaining. Observers expect that Red China will be seated next year. New York, New York Camera pans inside the room where members of the General Assembly meet, there are many absentees. A board with all the countries that are enrolled in the United Nations are listed, and before each country that is listed there's a light. As the country is called upon to vote a light comes on. I believe this is an indication if the country is present or voted. Unidentified gentleman reads off the tally of the vote in French. The final tally is 47 - 47, and there was 20 - nations abstaining and 3 not voting. U Thant is sitting on the chair at the desk to your left facing the UN Delegates