
Vietnam Report: War Fury Mounts, US Sends More Men

Vietnam Report: War Fury Mounts, US Sends More Men
Clip: 426667_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1737
Original Film: 038-049-01
Location: Dong Xiao, Vietnam
Timecode: 00:00:34 - 00:02:33

One of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War takes place in Dong Xiao as Red Vietcong rebels try to over-run South Vietnamese troops guarding an airstrip. In the night action south Vietnamese forces counted 250 dead, 19 Americans among them. At least 700 Reds were killed as Rangers drove them back into the jungle. Meanwhile, air strikes from carrier-based planes were joined by B-52 bombers which crossed the Pacific from Guam to hit a Vietcong concentrations. Dong Xiao, Vietnam Inside a Army helicopter looking over a pilots shoulder down at Dong Xiao, Vietnam. MS Army helicopter hovering over the landing strip. Aftermath of a battle and shelling, bombing. Confiscated weapons from the Red Vietcong. MS Bewildered Vietnamese after seeing many people slaughtered during the attack. Survivors leaving the ruins of their town. Piled up shell casings among the town's destruction. American military men talking with South Vietnam's military. MS Camera panning showing the destruction of the town. Aerial Shot - Naval aircraft carrier, helicopter lowering showing in detail the planes parked on the deck. Fighter plane taking off.