
The First Engineer: New Clues To Tombn Of Pyramid Builder

The First Engineer: New Clues To Tombn Of Pyramid Builder
Clip: 426549_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-016-02
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Timecode: 00:46:02 - 00:47:30

The Step Pyramid near modern Cairo was built 5,000 years ago by the world's first engineer. Imhotep by name. For three decades a search has been on for his tomb. Recent discoveries point to new clues to the site of the tome. where frescoes and ancient writings might be found to reveal more about this true Christian era genius. Three men walking among the Pyramid ruins in Cairo. On the site, workers have dug out an entrance way into the tomb and are passing along bags of sand. Inside the tomb there are paintings on the wall, they look a little faded. Armed Moosa a professor of Egyptology and then he climbs out of a small opening in the tomb. The professor is pointing out different hieroglyphics that have been painted on the wall and at the bottom two carved out and painted heads of men. Two laborers carrying out a sarcophagus. They lift off the lid to the sarcophaguses and there was a mummy.