
Foil Fantastic Plot - US Shrines Target Of Dynamiters

Foil Fantastic Plot - US Shrines Target Of Dynamiters
Clip: 426545_1_1
Year Shot: 1965 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1733
Original Film: 038-015-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:38:32 - 00:40:40

It was like something out of a cheap paper - back thriller - a plot to blow up American landmarks: The Statue Of Liberty, The Liberty Bell and the Washington Monument. New York Police say one of their undercover men discovered the aims of three Extremist African Americans and a White Canadian girl. Dynamite was seized in New York City vacant lot as the four were arraigned and held in high bail. A nice shot of the Statue Of Liberty or a Spring or Summer day. Independence Hall in Philadelphia and this is where the Liberty Bell is sheltered. Liberty Bell. Washington Monument and the Reflection Pond. Washington Monument with traffic passing by. Parking lot of an apartment building. Bomb squad men moving in to remove a cash of dynamite. The truck which is transporting the dynamite. Robert Callier from the Extremist African American Group handcuffed and led away by police. Michelle Duclos of Montreal being led away by police. Khaleel Sultarn Sayyed handcuffed and led away by police. With his face hidden the hero cop who helped capture these people is promoted on the spot, to Detective.