
No Relief In Sight: US Drought Called Worst In Century

No Relief In Sight: US Drought Called Worst In Century
Clip: 426456_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1730
Original Film: 037-092-01
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:18:17 - 00:21:15

There is not a crop in most of the United States that has not been affected by one of the worst droughts in a century. From New England to the Plains States, everything has been killed, stunted or decimated by the prolonged dry spell. Livestock suffers and well-diggers work around the clock to find new supplies deeper in the water shelf. The New England States, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have had a shortage of rain for three years. This summer however, is the worst in 34 years. In the Midwest it is the severest drought in a century. Apple orchards of New England, trees are half dead and have no fruit on them. A farmer's hand taking a hand full of soil and squeezing it his hand to determine the dryness of the dirt. Livestock by a pond that is virtually dried up with very little water in it. A farmer in his pick up truck hauling 5 gallon milk cans filled with water. A well digger running great lengths of pipe into the ground seeking out new water supplies. A New England state river that is well below water level. A stream that hardly has any water in it. Farmers home and other farm buildings. The village water pump, people are forced to go there for lack of water. Old style water pump that you have to do manually in order to bring up water. A woman and her two children. Another small stream of water that used to be a rambling brook of water, a great deal of the brook is dried up with rocks exposed. "Wood and Trails Closed due to Fire Hazard. Highways, roads and trails closed to fire hazards. Smoldering fire in a forest preserve. Men walking into a forest area carrying gardening tools and shovels. Cars driving on a highway that has a light layer of smoke on it. Oak Ridge Reservoir in New Jersey. Dried up reservoir. Aerial shot - Reservoir with just a few drops of water in it. Two little boys looking over a reservoir where the water level has dropped significantly and what water is in there is very shallow. Father or grandfather walking in a dried river bed with his two sons and he points out the hot, dried and cracked earth that was once covered with water. Aerial shot - Cars and trucks are parked in a dried out river bed where once maybe 20 to 30 feet of water once stood.