
Royal Wedding: Greek King Weds Danish Princess

Royal Wedding: Greek King Weds Danish Princess
Clip: 426402_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1728
Original Film: 037-076-01
Location: Athens, Greece
Timecode: 00:19:48 - 00:22:38

In a story-book romance, King Constantine of Greece takes Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark as his bride and Queen. The romance began when she was 12 and he a grown-up eighteen. It flourished as they murmured sweet nothings in English. The bride knows little Greek, but she knows they have a word for it - happiness. A Royal Parade as King Constantine of Greece is riding in a carriage with Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark. Throngs line the streets and people are throwing shredded paper from their windows. The Greek Infantry follow in back proudly sitting on their steeds. The King and his Princess arrive at the Greek Cathedral. Inside the Cathedral the Bride walks proudly down the aisle on the arm of her father. King Constantine takes the arm of his Bride as the half hour ceremony begins. The Archbishop makes the sign of the cross on the foreheads of the couple before they exchange rings. They kiss the Bible after they exchange their wedding vows. The Bride and Groom exit the church and once again step into the horse drawn carriage. The newlyweds are almost buried in an avalanche of paper.