
Bombings Resume: President Blames Hanoi Aggression

Bombings Resume: President Blames Hanoi Aggression
Clip: 426334_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1745
Original Film: 039-010-01
Location: Washington DC and North Vietnam
Timecode: 00:07:17 - 00:09:46

For the first time in 37 days, United States planes carry out air strikes against North Vietnam. President Johnson, in an address to the nation, says that continued efforts to bring Hanoi to the peace table were fruitless and blames their aggressive acts for the decision to resume air raids on supply depots and rail lines. Washington DC President Lyndon Baines Johnson sitting at his desk in Washington DC. Vietnam MS - Sailors on an aircraft carrier, preparing the planes for battles, and loading them up with bombs. CUS - Sailors securing bombs under the wings of the fighter jets. MS - Ground forces, Army jeeps, trucks and tanks, soldiers in fox holes. CU - Foot soldiers on patrol, Jet taking off from an air strip in Vietnam. MS - Jet taking off from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Aerial shot of North Vietnam being bombed. CU - Co-pilot in fighter jet. Air to Air shot - Jet over North Vietnam, dropping bombs. Over these images President Johnson, "... on this Monday morning in Vietnam, at my direction, after complete and thorough consultation and agreement with the Government of South Vietnam, United States aircraft have resumed action in North Vietnam. They struck the lines of supply which support the continuing movement of men and arms against the people and the Government of South Vietnam. Our air strikes on North Vietnam from the beginning have been aimed at military targets and have been controlled with the greatest of care. Those who direct and supply the aggression really have no claim to immunity from military reply. The end of the pause does not mean the end of our own pursuit of peace. That pursuit will be as determined and as unremitting as the pressure of our military strength on the field of battle. In our continuing pursuit of peace, I have instructed Ambassador Goldberg at the United Nations to ask for an immediate meeting of the United Nations Security Council. He will present a full report on the situation in Vietnam, and a resolution which can open the way to the conference table." New York, NY Ends with shots of the Untied Nations.