
Art Through A Magnifying Glass

Art Through A Magnifying Glass
Clip: 426276_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-039-02
Location: Washington DC
Timecode: 00:48:20 - 00:49:41

One of the world's tiniest, and most valuable paintings, is acquired by the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., at a cost of $616,000. It's so small, it must be displayed in a special case and observed with a magnifying glass. "Saint George and The Dragon" by Rogier van der Weyden is a 15th Century masterpiece which draws crowds of interested visitors. CU of various people's eyes as they look through a magnifying glass. They are looking at a small painting of St. George and the Dragon. St. George rides horseback and drives a spear through the dragon. People walk around the museum and stop to look in the case. A man in a white jacket with pinstripes stops to observe. CU as the painting gets more detailed as the camera tries to focus through the magnifying glass. Panning down of painting with camera. An elderly man wearing wire rim glasses and a hat bending over to look at St. George and the Dragon. High Angle shot of two women looking at the painting. Various shots of many people observing the 5 inch by 6 inch painting. CU of the full enlargement of the painting. St. George and the Dragon is showcased in a plastic or glass case in front of an oil painting that hangs in the background.