
Wheel Weirdos: Sunday Drivers Need Not Apply

Wheel Weirdos: Sunday Drivers Need Not Apply
Clip: 426261_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1748
Original Film: 039-035-04
Location: The Netherlands, England
Timecode: 00:18:44 - 00:19:26

The "Amphiroll", a Dutch invention that can move on all terrains: mud, quicksand, water, etc. U.S. Army authorities think it may replace the tank. Two men in raincoats sit and stand on top of a flat box shaped platform with long canister drums circulating beneath them. The Drums look like the cross between an oversized drill bit and a screw as it cuts treads into the ground below. It's called the 'Amphiroll." It moves sideways down a wet sandy beach. It cuts through deep mud or quicksand like a tank or small boat. It leaves wide tracks in the sand similar to a car tire. It can move in any direction as it is operated by a series of switches. CU of the Operator at work. The "Amphiroll" slowly moves from the beach into water treading and floating across like a boat to the other side as we get a final shot of the screw like wheels.