
Beatrix Weds: Princess Marries German Commoner

Beatrix Weds: Princess Marries German Commoner
Clip: 426207_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-022-01
Location: Amsterdam, Holland
Timecode: 00:32:07 - 00:34:24

It was a rocky road to romance for Princess Beatrix, but the great day finally arrives as she is wed to Claus von Amsberg, a German commoner who now becomes a Dutch Prince. The pair are wed in a civil ceremony before religious rites at West Church. Smoke bombs and boos mar the ceremony as many in the crowd protest the groom's nationality. However, once again, love conquers all. Amsterdam, Holland Princess Beatrix is helped into the Royal Golden Coach driven by horses. High Angle Shot - Princess Beatrix slowly being driven in the Royal Golden Coach down the streets of Holland. Princess Beatrix disembarking from the Royal Coach wearing her beautiful wedding gown. Claus von Amsberg with arms and hands interlocked walking as bridesmaids carry the train of her gown. Bride and groom sit down on two chairs facing three men. MS - Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard sit directly behind the bridal couple. MS - The civil ceremony is performed and they are back riding in the Royal Golden Coach on its was to West Church for the religious ceremony, smoke bombs explode in route. CUS - Princess Beatrix and Claus von Amsberg exchanging vows and rings in the religious ceremony of marriage. High Angle Shot - Bride and groom walking down the aisle. High Angle Shot - The Royal Golden Carriage on its way to the Royal Palace and then their on their way to a secret honeymoon. CUS - Crowd rejoicing and waving to the newlyweds. MS - flower girl and page. CUS - Princess Beatrix and Prince Claus von Amsberg smiling and waving to the royal subjects of Holland.