
Air Tragedies: 188 Die In Two Kokyo Crashes

Air Tragedies: 188 Die In Two Kokyo Crashes
Clip: 426197_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-020-01
Location: Japan
Timecode: 00:19:37 - 00:21:07

A Canadian jet, groping for a landing at fog-bound Tokyo airport, crashes and burns, killing sixty-four of the seventy-two persons aboard. This crash followed by a month another Tokyo air disaster in which 133 were killed and in turn was followed 24 hours later by the crash of a British jet at Mt. Fuji with a toll of 124. Japan The tail section the camera pans to show the amount of fire damage suffered by this plane by fire, 64 of the 72 souls that were aboard this Canadian passenger jet died. CUS - A police officer looking in disbelief at the plane. Camera pans - The burned out plane with firemen standing by the fuselage. MS - Firemen hosing down the plane with water. MS - Family and friends standing behind a safety rope looking at the plane. Interior shot - A burned heap, there is no telling what your looking at. MS - Police directing traffic. MS - The aftermath of the plane after its impact on the ground. Less than 24 - hours later: MS - The remains of another plane crash on Mt. Fuji a British airliner caught on fire and plunged into the Eastern side of Mr. Fuji, total deaths in this crash were 124. 89 Americans were among the dead.