
Is This A Straight Steer?

Is This A Straight Steer?
Clip: 426196_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1746
Original Film: 039-019-05
Location: Houston, Texas
Timecode: 00:17:56 - 00:19:03

The bulls and broncos invade Houston's Astrodome to take on the cowboys - and, as usual, the animals have the better time of it. At that, you rarely see errorless baseball here, either. Houston, Texas Exterior shot of the Astrodome. Interior shot - Astrodome's field with cowboys and Indians riding horses. A Very High Angle Shot - The crowd sitting in the seats of the Astrodome. CU - A leg sticking out in the aisle sporting a new cowboy boot on the foot, the camera pans up and it turns out to be a little girl watching the festivities center ring. High Angle Shot - First cowboy is let out of the gate on a brahma bull. He spins and jumps around until he shakes the cowboy off his back. MS - More of the same. MS - Rodeo fans. MS - Its the broncos. This horse does not like the cowboy and its not too long before he shakes him off his back. CUS - Side profile of a little boy. MS - The camera man has some fun running the film backwards, as it turned out it was a good ride for the cowboy.