
Turkish Disaster: Thousands Killed In Vast Earthqauake

Turkish Disaster: Thousands Killed In Vast Earthqauake
Clip: 426188_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1751
Original Film: 039-070-01
Location: Eastern Turkey
Timecode: 00:34:10 - 00:35:42

Over three thousand people are killed in Eastern Turkey in the worst earthquake in 23 years. Some 139 villages are totally destroyed. United States Air Force planes bring in doctors and supplies. MS Aftermath of the earthquake and most of the homes are leveled. CU Structural damage to homes including clacked foundations and collapsed roofs. Mountains of debris. MCU Rescue workers digging in the ruins. A turkish person with a headwrap with a small child hiding behind him or her. A street of homes now rock and rubble. ECU an older Turkish man. Rescue workers, hard at work, shoveling and clearing bricks from their path. MS at a Turkish Army field hospital, people queue in line for medical assistance. ECU of man and child waiting in line. MS - People sitting up on medical cots and doctor standing with his patients. CU Nurse and doctor giving first aide to a man's injured face. Little girl with her face cut up from falling debris. Man being attended to by a female doctor. CU of people lining up for food. Bags of rice in a pile. CU Woman holding her crying child. MS People being handed rations from rescue workers. MS Tents set up to shelter the homeless and injured survivors. CU Smiling mother holding her little boy. High Angle Shot - Camera panning a demolished village.