
Aerobatic Thriller

Aerobatic Thriller
Clip: 426186_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1751
Original Film: 039-069-04
Location: Russia, Tushing
Timecode: 00:31:04 - 00:32:15

NO AUDIO At Tusking Airfield in Moscow, 15 nations are represented at the 11th World Championships in Aerobatics. Propeller-driven aircrafts, handled by some of the best stunt pilots in the world, perform do loops, dives, twists and turns for judges. MS Flags from 5 countries (United Kingdom, France and Germany are clearly visible) wave as crowds sit on the grass below looking up at the sky. Low Angle shot of a dirigible (Blimp) with international flags being flewn beneath it. CU of women and men, political dignitaries, watching the show. High Angle Shot - Single engine prop planes line up. CU Pilots seated in their planes prepping for takeoff. Crowds cover their faces as from the sun as they look up into the sky. Low Angle Shot - Plane doing a loop. CUS of a man charting the planes techniques on a blackboard or chalkboard. MS Various shots of plane doing aerial stunts. MS A group of men, in a judging panel, scoring the flight performance of the pilot. Air to Air - A plane doing loops and then a free fall.