
President Johnson's Tour: Whirlwind Trip Touches 5 States

President Johnson's Tour: Whirlwind Trip Touches 5 States
Clip: 426181_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1751
Original Film: 039-068-02
Location: New York, New England, Vermont
Timecode: 00:22:06 - 00:25:19

In a whirlwind three days, President Johnson tours five states and meets with Prime Minister Lester Pearson of Canada. Most of the stops include speeches in New York and New England. The Johnson-Pearson talks at Campobello, President Roosevelt's summer home, aerial shots. CU President Johnson shaking hands. American flag flying in the background. CU of Sign "Buffalo Welcomes President Johnson." High Angle Shot of throngs gathered in the street's of Buffalo, New York.People waving signs. MCUS- President Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson embarking on to a PT boat. CUS Lady Bird and the President looking over the harbor from the deck of the PT boat as the boat leaves harbor. Nice shot of Buffallo skyline. President Johnson giving speech to a very large crowd. Presidential motorcade driving down the streets of New York. President Johnson surrounded by people who want to shake his hand. He gives waves to those he can't reach. Camera panning crowds from moving car. MS President and Lady Bird Johnson approaching the podium. High Angle of shoulder to shoulder crowds. Low Angle Shot President Johnson standing at the podium addressing the crowd, night. People standing in mass applauding the President's speech including some children. President Johnson, on a college campus in cap and gown, shaking hands with a Chancellor or University President. A sign reads "Vermont Welcomes Pres. Johnson." High Angle Shot - Throngs waving to the camera and to the President. CU of President Johnson at a groundbreaking ceremony as he holds a shovel. MCUS - A sign held up in the crowd, "Give our best to Pat and Luci". President Johnson walking through crowds as a storefront or resturant reads " Top of the Town. Low Angle Shot - The rotating radar tower of a naval destroyer with sailors. MS - President Johnson standing with a naval commander on the deck of the destroyer. CU of the two men talking. Low Angle Shot - Sailors standing around a gun on the destroyer. Helicopter taking off from the naval destroyer. Aerial of the destroyer from the Helicopter. MS- Helicopter landing. The President and his entourage disembarking from the helicopter. CU of a Smiling President Johnson. CU of sign " Roosevelt Cottage Open Daily 9am to Noon. 12:30pm to 5pm". Exterior shot - Roosevelt Cottage. Crowds gather around the cottage. President Johnson putting something in a timecapsule marked 1966. Crowds appluading. CU of Prime Minister Lester Pearson of Canada and President Johnson talking.