
Kayak Race

Kayak Race
Clip: 426179_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1751
Original Film: 039-067-04
Location: Spain
Timecode: 00:18:44 - 00:20:22

NO AUDIO In Spain, a kayak race on the Sella River brings out one hundred and eight contestants from fourteen countries. Fans follow the race on a special train which chugs along the riverbank, stops frequently, then loads up again and continues. It's a thirty-year-old custom! MS People hurry to stand in line to board a passenger train and it is packed. The train sits on the tracks ready to depart. MS of front view of the engine . High Angle Shot -People lining the shore line watching an in progess kayak race. The passenger train moving slowly down the tracks through the countryside. People are lined at the windows and doors to look out and see the race. High Wide angle shot of the kayakers pladding quickly down the river. High angle of the spectators at the shore watching the race as two kayakers paddle like there's no tomorrow. They may be in the lead. POV pictures taken from the train of people waving and leaning out from the moving locomotive. POV pictures taken from the passenger train window of the kayak race. Two Kayaks going head to head. High Angle Shot to Wide Angle shot of the train now stopped letting people off. Passengers run from the train through an open field in a sprint to the water's edge to see the race. High Angle Shot as possibly the lone two kayakers from earlier rowing past a small crowd. Two men set off a flare or firecracker sending passengers running back to the crowded train. MS as the train is on the move again. The two kayakers mantian their lead as they come in for a win to excited enthusuastic crowds. CU of a girl with a huge smile waving in surprise. MS the kayakers wave from their boat.