
Gemini 10: Many Space "Firsts" In Record Flight

Gemini 10: Many Space "Firsts" In Record Flight
Clip: 426150_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1750
Original Film: 039-059-01
Location: Cape Kennedy, Florida
Timecode: 00:15:16 - 00:20:56

Astronauts Michael Collins and John Young return to earth safely in a pinpoint splashdown after three of the most daring, dramatic, and triumphant days in space for a previous American manned (American-manned) mission. Several "firsts" are recorded, including an altitude record, a double rendezvous, and activity with an orbiting object. Astronauts Michael Collins and John Young leaving their quarters walking and shaking hands with people who have come to see their lift off and wish them well. High Angle Shot - 'Ready Room' near launch pad 19. The Astronauts put on their space suits. MS - Commander Young and Major Collins arrive at pad nineteen and they immediately enter the space elevator that will take them up to their space capsule. MS - Each Astronaut climbs into their tiny capsule and the doors are locked behind them. MS - Lift off, the Agena leaving a red and orange glow behind her, climbs into space. MS - Another lift off, the two space vehicles lock noses. MS - From the space craft Gemini 10. Pictures of Agena 8 orbiting in space. MS - The space walk of Astronaut Michael Collins, Earth is beneath him. Astronaut Collins goes over to Agena 8 and retrieves a space dust detecting box. This is the very first time something like this has taken place in space. MS - The re-entry back to the earth is taking place. The splash down is a pin point (pinpoint) landing and Collins and Young wait to be picked up.