
French A-Bomb: Pacific Blast First Of Test Series

French A-Bomb: Pacific Blast First Of Test Series
Clip: 426138_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-056-02
Location: Pacific Ocean - Moruroa
Timecode: 00:48:01 - 00:49:07

The French set off an Atomic bomb, the first in a series, in the Pacific. Both America and Britain deplored the testing. Moscow had no comment. France has not signed the Atomic Test Ban Treaty. They insisted radiation would not be increased. Aerial shot - Moruroa, a small atoll in the Southern Pacific Ocean. It was chosen as a atomic test sight in the Pacific by Fance. Interior shot of Control block. High Angle Shot of a man standing behind a glass mapping the blasting area. The back of technicians sitting at controls with headphones and radar screens in front of them. CU of a man's face counting the final seconds of the countdown. The blast is heard. The screen is white, a glow of brightness and then the forming of the atomic cloud. LS of The sky going black and the mushroom cloud is clearly seen. A crowd of frenchmen watch the explosion of the A-Bomb. The mushroom like cloud forming off the small atoll of Moruroa. Various shots of crowds watching from a distance.