
Jet Tragedy: 2 Killed, 44 Hurt At Crash Scene

Jet Tragedy: 2 Killed, 44 Hurt At Crash Scene
Clip: 426120_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-051-02
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Timecode: 00:16:05 - 00:17:05

A mother and her 1 year old son are killed, 44 persons hurt, when one of two Marine Jet Bombers collide in mid-air, comes down in Hampton, Virginia. Ten homes are leveled. The four Marine crewmen bailed out safely. Evening, smoke fills the sky as firemen try to put out a smoldering burned out garage with firemen's hoses. A completely demolished car and a roof has been torn off as water is still being sprayed. Daylight: A ranch home with lots of damage and no roof, people standing by the outside of the home taking in the amount of damage that was done. The whole front of the house has been destroyed and gone, a sofa, dishwasher, front door of a car, the aftermath of a bad plane accident. Various shots of rubble that was once a home. US Army picking up bits and pieces of the plane and other wreckage. Red Cross nurses setting up an area for hot coffee and other drinks. Medium LS of men inspecting the remains of the accident site.. One man wipes his forehead. MS of a car with no roof and a piece of a steering wheel looking out towards three burned down houses.