
Canadian Parachuting Champions

Canadian Parachuting Champions
Clip: 426117_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1749
Original Film: 039-050-03
Location: Canada, Winnipeg
Timecode: 00:11:12 - 00:12:46

Skydivers compete at Winnipeg in the Canadian parachuting championships. Canada is picking its team for the World Championships in Leipzig, East Germany, in August. Men and women compete, jumping from 6,600 feet up, doing maneuvers, and hitting a target only 35 feet across! Pan across skydivers receiving last minute instructions from the pilot of the plane. MS of one of the jumpers suiting up. LS of a jumper that just landed getting his chute rolled up as a plane takes off in the background. MS of air socks blowing in the wind. CU of a little girl pointing up to the sky standing next to her mother and possibly grandmother. Air to Air shots of a skydiver jumping from a plane and the opening of his parachute. Sky diver landing on target. CU of a couple looking up at the skydivers with binoculars. Various shots of skydivers jumping from a plane, free falling and landing on or near the target as crowds including children watch.