
Sir Francis Chichester is Knighted

Sir Francis Chichester is Knighted
Clip: 426007_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-056-02
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:51:51 - 00:52:49

Sir Francis Chichester is Knighted "Sir Francis Chichester arriving in London on the Gypsy Moth and being knighted by Queen Elizabeth in public Ceremony. The first within memory for his feat of circling the globe alone in a tiny sailboat. " TLS sailboat in marina, zoom in to MS Sir FRANCIS CHICHESTER standing on boat. TLS Sir Francis Chichester stepping onto dock, shaking hands with unidentified man while crowd watches. MS four young white women waving, throwing confetti from open window. Panning MS/CU Sir Francis Chichester riding in open convertible, waving to crowd along parade route, nodding to UI camera. LS large crowd crossing street, people in fore moving excitedly. TLS/MS Queen Elizabeth II knighting Sir Francis Chichester with sword in open ceremony; Queen Elizabeth II and Sir Chichester shake hands; the Queen places the insignia of the Ninth Commander of the Order of the British Empire around his neck. TLS crowd applauding. MS Sir Francis Chichester and Queen Elizabeth II talking, walking.