
Failed Rocket-Engine Test

Failed Rocket-Engine Test
Clip: 425965_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-050-03
Location: Homestead, Florida
Timecode: 00:11:18 - 00:12:11

Failed Rocket-Engine Test "The nozzle of a gigantic rocket engine breaks loose during a static test-firing, shooting flames hundreds of feet in the air, rattling camera over two miles away, and raining debris over a wide area. NASA has been testing to find a solid-fuel engine. " MS solid-fuel rocket. LS failed test, explosion, rocket nozzle breaking loose, releasing fuel, mighty flame plume rising high into air; shockwave shakes camera. MS - The engine burns 100-tons of fuel a second. MS - You can see the image shaking because of the shockwave that is over two miles away.