
Bunker Hunting

Bunker Hunting
Clip: 425956_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-049-02
Location: South Vietnam
Timecode: 00:01:44 - 00:02:32

Bunker Hunting "U.S. Army and Marine troops flush out Vietcong bunkers in a search and clear mission. Explosives destroy underground Cong installations, with heavy enemy causalities " Search and destroy. LS/TLSs heavy field artillery firing. Side view MS U.S. Army soldier firing short round bazooka. Panning LS soldier running through field, toward bunker. LS soldiers wading, running through field during firefight. MS U.S. Marine rigging explosive near brush. LS explosion in field, clumps of dirt flying high. MS soldier kneeling at entrance of Viet Cong tunnel. TLSs explosions, enemy tunnels & bunkers being destroyed. MS U.S. Army soldiers filing by camera, lead man wearing bandoliers of M-60 bullets. Gruesome MSs bodies of dead Viet Cong; both shirtless young men, one exhibiting severe burns.