
Junior Welterweight Championship Match

Junior Welterweight Championship Match
Clip: 425874_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1760
Original Film: 040-037-08
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Timecode: 00:34:03 - 00:34:59

"Former U.S. Marine Paul Fuji takes the World's Junior Welterweight title from Champion Sandro Lopopolo of Italy in a bout in Tokyo. He's the first Japanese-American to hold a world crown. TLS/MSs - Brutal, aggressive, totally unscientific boxing match between PAUL FUJI (Paul Takeshi Fuji, dark trunks, white stripe) and Junior Welterweight champion SANDRO LOPOPOLO (dark trunks, no stripe). TLS/MSs - Japanese crowd standing, watching bout. Panning MS- vicious, unrelenting Paul Fuji hitting Sandro Lopopolo with a right jab, Sandro staggering backward into corner, Fuji stalking him, the referee pulling him away; Sandro stands, ref picks up count (more or less a standing eight count); ref call for fight to continue, Fuji storming into frame, nailing Lopopolo with a series of hard combinations, battering him against the ropes; Lopopolo's corner man calls its quits just as the ref calls the match, trying desperately to pull Fuji away; Fuji's corner men celebrate in ring, lifting their victorious fighter.