
Vietnam Round-Up - Operation Pershing

Vietnam Round-Up - Operation Pershing
Clip: 425820_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1759
Original Film: 040-031-02
Location: Vietnam
Timecode: 00:45:44 - 00:47:06

Operation Pershing knocks out a VC village in a search and destroy maneuver. Three war correspondents are wounded by a Cong booby trap as they travel a path south of Saigon. A skirmish on the Freedom bridge, linking North and South Vietnam makes the area a no-man's land. LS Smoke rising from roof of village hut (no flames). TLS Two U.S. Army soldiers armed with M-60 machine guns patrolling through village, passing group of villagers. Vietnamese refugees (women & children, many wearing conical palm leaf hats) walking toward cam with belongings. U.S. Soldiers standing by side of road, tilt down to dead Viet Cong laying at their feet. Five G.I.'s holding M-16 rifles standing over body of dead VC. GI inspecting dead VC, seven soldiers standing in BG. ARVN soldiers walking with suspected Viet Cong prisoner. CU Three wounded reporters (war correspondents). Two South Vietnamese men & American David Snell, lying in grass, waiting for transport. Nice UH-1 medical helicopter landing. Wounded Vietnamese reporter on stretcher being loaded onto helicopter. LS Freedom Bridge, linking North & South Vietnam. Freedom Bridge, Vietnamese man wearing jeans & bush hat standing on quadrant. Low angle Flag of South Vietnam billowing in wind. Artillery damage to Freedom Bridge. LS two men rowing boat on Ben Hai River.