
Space Tragedy: Astronauts Die In Apollo Fire

Space Tragedy: Astronauts Die In Apollo Fire
Clip: 425649_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1757
Original Film: 040-010-01
Location: Cape Kennedy, Florida
Timecode: 00:08:03 - 00:09:41

Apollo astronauts Roger Chaffee, Edward White, and Gus Grissom are all killed in a flash-fire aboard their grounded space capsule. Investigators theorize perhaps a short circuit or electrical overload sparked the blaze. The first Apollo flight was scheduled for February. MS Roger Chaffee, Edward White and Gus Grissom climb off a NASA shuttle bus. CU Apollo Mission Simulator. High Angle the astronauts get into the flight simulator. Astronauts sit on the latter of the flight simulator. Technicians sit at the control panel. The three astronauts strapped in their seats. CU Gus Grissom adjusting a hose. CU Roger Chaffee handling the hoses. The launching area for the space capsules. Burned space capsule. High Angle shot some tanks sitting near the space capsule. Camera panning from right to left at Roger Chaffee, Edward White and Gus Grissom. Camera pulls back and they are all standing in front of the launch area laughing and having a good time.