
New York Honors Marine Hero

New York Honors Marine Hero
Clip: 425579_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1755
Original Film: 039-101-02
Location: New York, New York
Timecode: 00:28:29 - 00:29:27

Sgt Robert E. O'Malley of New York, the first Marine to win the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, gets another decoration. Mayor John Lindsay awards him the city's Gold Medal of Honor in ceremonies at City Hall in Manhattan. Sgt Robert E. O'Malley and his mother are greeted by Mayor John Lindsay at City Hall in Manhattan. Sgt Robert O'Malley, Mayor Lindsay and an unidentified Officer, possibly Marines, walk up the stairs and into the City Counsel's chambers. High Angle Shot Mayor Lindsay bestowing the Medal of Honor, the city's highest award, to a 23 year old Sgt O'Malley. He waves to those in the chambers before being escorted outside. He salutes as he walks to his vehicle. Photographers take pictures. ECU Sgt Robert E. O'Malley and his mother smile in the backseat of an open convertible.