
Moon Photos: Space Lab Snaps Landing Sites

Moon Photos: Space Lab Snaps Landing Sites
Clip: 425553_1_1
Year Shot: 1966 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1754
Original Film: 039-094-01
Location: Florida, Cape Kennedy
Timecode: 00:34:34 - 00:36:09

Potential landing sites for future American Astronauts on the moon are photographed by Lunar Orbiter Two, a flying photo lab. The shots, taken from an altitude of 30 miles, show a flat equatorial plain, marked with craters. In all, 13 landing sites will be photographed. LS Liftoff of Lunar Orbiter Two spacecraft heading for the moon to take some pictures. Animation of the Lunar Orbiter Two laboratory. Animation of the moon and the orbiting pattern of the Lunar Orbiter Two. Animation of twin lens cameras, radio signals and pictures being taken taking of the moon from the Lunar Orbiter Two. CU Tracking antenna back on earth. MS Two photo lab technicians looking at film strips. CU of dots on the film strip under a microscope. Lab technicians laying out larger scale photos of the moon's surface. MS At a press conference, the press get first looks at the first moon photographs. The press takes notes. CU as a scientist pointing out things on the moon s surface from the various photographs. MS a scientist relates information with the moon surface is on a background projection screen.