
Goldwater Takes California Primary: Takes Crucial California Primary

Goldwater Takes California Primary: Takes Crucial California Primary
Clip: 425253_1_1
Year Shot: 1964 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1724
Original Film: 037-045-02
Location: California
Timecode: 00:26:12 - 00:27:57

Senator Barry Goldwater takes the important Republican Presidential Primary in California and it is conceded that he has a good chance of winning the nomination on the first convention ballot. However, Governor Nelson Rockefeller says that he is not giving up the fight. In the Democratic race for the Senatorial nomination in California, former Presidential Press Secretary, Pierre Salinger wins his party's nod. California Barry Goldwater shaking hands with some political fans. Barry Goldwater signing autographs. Governor Rockefeller disembarking from a bus. Rockefeller shaking hands with senor citizens. Rockefeller standing on a podium. Goldwater at a political gathering making his way through the crowd. MS - Political party members holding up banners (Goldwater for President) San Francisco Bay area with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Exterior of 'Cow Palace' Senator from California, Alan Cranston. Pierre Salinger shaking hands working the crowd.