
US - Latin Talks: 7 Presidents Confer In Costa Rica

US - Latin Talks: 7 Presidents Confer In Costa Rica
Clip: 425187_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1709
Original Film: 036-025-01
Location: Costa Rica
Timecode: 00:00:49 - 00:04:19

President Kennedy receives a tumultuous welcome in San Jose as he arrives in Costa Rica for s with the heads of six Central American nations. Nearly everybody in San Jose - 250,000 people - turn out to cheer Mr. Kennedy on his way to the first session of the conference. At the National theatre a "Declaration of Central America" is drawn up calling for new measures to meet subversive aggression from Cuba. Mr. Kennedy pledges new aid for economic development both in Central and South America. President Kennedy's helicopter shuttles into an airport near San Jose' - The field is filled with throngs of supporters. MLS - The helicopter is landed and President Kennedy disembarks with the heads of six central American nations. Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. OHS - People waving Latin American and American flags. MOHS - President Kennedy surrounded by secret service men walking through the crowds, and he is greeted by President Francisco Oleg of Costa Rica, standing at the foot of some steps shaking hands. MS - The flags of all seven Republics are flowing in the breeze as President Kennedy delivers a speech to the people of the Republic of Costa Rica. President Kennedy: "I want you to know Mr. President that I come here today but only with the members of the congress, Secretary of State and others. I come here today with one hundred and eighty million fellow Americans who want this hemisphere to be free, and who want this hemisphere to be an example to a watching world, in the crucial years of this century and this decade. And Mr. President, I want to express again our thanks to. We could not feel more at home, a thousand miles from the United States, than here in Costa Rica." MS - President Kennedy leaves the podium and the camera pulls back panning the crowds gathered to cheer on President Kennedy as he is driven in a Presidential Motorcade parade. MS - Some young adult men sitting in a tree applauding President Kennedy. MCUS - People of Costa Rica waving flags and screaming their selves horse "Amigo Presidential" CUS - President Kennedy and President Francisco Oleg standing up in a convertible waving to the people. MS-Outside - The National Theater. MS - As President Kennedy is walking in with other South American Presidents the audience is applauding. CUS - President Kennedy addressing the students of Costa Rica University. MS - President Kennedy leaning over the railing shaking hands with students of Costa Rica. MCUS - President Kennedy making his way through the students who are showing their solidarity