
Yesterday's Big Story - The German pocket battleship Graf Spee is chased into Montevideo harbor by three British cruisers.

Yesterday's Big Story - The German pocket battleship Graf Spee is chased into Montevideo harbor by three British cruisers.
Clip: 425182_1_1
Year Shot: 1939 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1708
Original Film: 036-023-05
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Timecode: 00:44:50 - 00:46:44

Yesterday's Big Story. December 14, 1939. The German pocket battleship Graf Spee is chased into Montevideo harbor by three British cruisers. She must leave the neutral port or be interned and her Nazi Captain chooses to scuttle the Graf Spee rather than let her fall in British hands. The Captain takes the Graf Spee out to sea and sets off explosives to sink her. There's an explosion on board the ship it is engulfed by smoke and fire and the port side of the ship (back} sinks as the bow (front) sticks out of the water and slowly sinks. The German pocket Battleship the Graf Spee slowly moves into the port of Montevideo. MS - The deck of the Graf Spee with 36 coffins lay on the deck for 36 members of her crew who were killed in action. MS - Military tug boat pulled along side of the Graf Spee. MCUS - Injured German Naval men laying on the deck waiting to be taken to a hospital. MSOH - A mass of people gathered on the pier at Montevideo to watch the Nazis destroy the Graf Spee. German Naval officer standing in full dress uniform to watch the destruction of the Graf Spee. MS - Front headlines of a newspaper "Spee Ordered out Tomorrow" - "Spee Poised For Escape" - "Spee Given 72 Hours, Gets Set For Dash" and _?_ Insist Spee Leave In 24 hours" Aerial shot - The Graf Spee. MCUS - Port side (left) of the military guns on the ship and some Naval Officers standing aboard deck. Aerial shot - Graf Spee moving into position to be blown up, as she moves she leaves a small wake behind her. MCUS - Port side (left) as she moves along in the ocean. Aerial shot - First signs of an explosion, the bow (front) the flash from an explosion and smoke pouring out on the port (left) side of the ship. Aerial shot - As the Graf Spee is sinking the bow (front) of the boat sticks out of the ocean and slowly goes down as the ship sinks. MS - Everything is engulfed by smoke.