
Royal Tour: Queen Takes Part in Fiji Ceremony

Royal Tour: Queen Takes Part in Fiji Ceremony
Clip: 425134_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-013-02
Location: Suva, Fiji
Timecode: 00:30:06 - 00:32:27

Royal Tour: Queen Takes Part in Fiji Ceremony. On her tour of the South Pacific, Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by Prince Philip, receives an uproarious welcome from the natives in this British possession. She takes part in traditional ceremonies that include drinking the native "Kava" from a polished coconut shell. It's potent drink that appears to be not to the Queen's taste. The Royal Yacht Britannia puts in at Suva Capital of the Fiji Islands with Royal visitors. MS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip disembark from a boat that took them from the Britannia to the shores of Fiji. MS - Queen Elizabeth is presented with a bouquet of flowers from a 6-year old little girl who happens to be the great, great granddaughter of the Chief who seeded the Fiji Islands to Queen Victoria. MCUS - School children of Fiji waving British flags. MS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in an open (Land Rover?) waving to the Royal Subject of Fiji. CUS - The Royal couple bask in the warmth of ceremonial greetings from the Islanders. MLSWA - Throngs of Islanders sitting on the ground taking part in the ceremony. MCUS - Queen Elizabeth drinks the native drink "Kava" from a polished coconut shell. By the looks on her face, she had a hard time getting the drink down and staying down. CUS - Prince Philip is being poured some Kava and by the look on the Queen's face, she must be thinking "Oh Boy" there's a hint of a hidden smile on the Queen's face. The Prince gets down the Kava and seems to have the same expression on his face after drinking it as the Queen. Hurray! for them - they pulled it off. MLSOH - The Royal couple once more is driving in a motorcade and the streets are filled with people. MLS - The Queen and Prince on deck of the Britannia waving farewell to the people of the Fiji Islands. MS - A lone native on a flat boat against the setting sun. This would be a dynamite shot if it were in color.