
India Celebrates "Republic Day"

India Celebrates "Republic Day"
Clip: 425130_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-012-03
Location: India
Timecode: 00:22:07 - 00:23:02

India Celebrates "Republic Day." What is usually a joyous occasion - India's "Independence Day" - takes on a somber air in the face of threats from Red China. India celebrates her Independence by having a gala parade. MS - The President S.Radakrishnan exits out of a carriage and is greeted by Prime Minister Nehru as he arrives to review the parade. MCUS - India's army marching past the President and Prim Minister Nehru. MCUS - Some heavy armament, tanks, missiles. MSOH - Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers march in the parade. MCUS - Elephants, brightly decorated and carrying several people at one time on their backs