
Yesterday's Big Story - US Gunboat Panay

Yesterday's Big Story - US Gunboat Panay
Clip: 425119_1_1
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1707
Original Film: 036-009-03
Location: At Sea
Timecode: 00:04:33 - 00:06:47

A story of high drama gripped the world's attention in 1937.....It was the story of the U.S. Gunboat "Panay". As was to happen four years later at Pearl Harbor, a quiet Sunday afternoon erupted into an inferno of bombs and fire as Japanese planes attack the U.S. Ship carrying American refugees from war-ravaged Nanking. Clearly labeled with American flags, the "Panay" was dive-bombed and machine-gunned and two men were killed and a dozen wounded. The Japanese government apologized, but why it happened is a question unanswered to this day. The US Panay and sailors on its deck. MCUS - The Panay loading American refugees from another small boat. MS - Ships Capitan and other ship's officers looking up at the sky watching a plane fly overhead. MS to MCUS - The ship was attacked by the Japanese without warning. Bombs just missing the boat at this point. CUS - Gunners firing at the planes. CUS - Two gunners firing at a plane that they hit. I think their watching it come down from the sky. CUS - Sailors abandoning ship because it was hit and sinking fast. MCUS - Sailors taking the wounded from the life boat on to the shore. MCUS - The Panay sinking. MCUS - Survivors in a life boat, and in the back ground a dead body floating face down in the water. MCUS - A sailor who was wounded in the head and is bleeding. There's blood on the side of his head and face. MCUS - Sailors and other passengers of the ship carrying the wounded on to the shore. MCUS - Survivors disembarking from the life boat on to the shore. MCUS - You see all the machine gun holes on the side of the ship's cabin. MLS - The US Gunboat "Panay" is starting to sink,