B/W (raw newsreel?) footage of immigrants/refugees arriving at Ellis Island, New York City, c. 1940s. Very good shots of European and Asian immigrants to New York City. Ellis Island, New York Harbor, skyline. People of various ages (Eastern-European looking) on ship arriving in NY, skyline & Statue of Liberty in distance. Woman in scarf (babushka) holding child, another looking through binoculars. Great shots of crowd on deck of ship waving frantically as it approaches New York Harbor, statue of liberty (very far away and small) and skyline in distance. MS woman holding small child. MS crowd on deck facing camera - maybe eastern European. Closer shot of Statue of Liberty as ship passes it. MS from behind three little girls looking through fence/railing of ship's deck. All have bows in their hair. Nice shot. WS crowd on deck of ship, hazy NY skyline in b/g. Two shot of elderly Eastern European couple. Woman in head scarf (babushka) wipes tears from her eyes. Other shots of similar looking women crying, weeping, wiping tears. MS line of men in overcoats and fedora hats carrying their suitcases. Closer shot same. WS int. mess hall or cafeteria where groups of Asian immigrants sit and eat at long tables. CU Asian teenage boys eating. CU little Asian boy eating. CU little European boy & baby. MS OTS immigrants in silhouette looking through wire fence to NY skyline. Nice New York skyline although a little gray and overcast. MS OTS looking through fence again. Repeat, but reversed left-to right.