

Clip: 312651_1_1
Year Shot: 1970 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 6
Original Film:
Location: United States
Timecode: 06:20:16 - 06:29:46

Color footage of tornadoes--most of which is scratched or dirty but not beyond use. There are some nice shots in here.

Clip: 312651_1_2
Year Shot: 1970 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 6
Original Film:
Location: United States
Timecode: 06:20:16 - 06:24:38

Same as catalog #311487: Scratchy, grainy footage of clouds forming abstract ghostly shapes before becoming a tornado. Dark gray heavy clouds look like smoke, against orange sky - unearthly. MS blue/gray sky as tornado forms. Funnel drops and retreats, camera zooms in to catch good shots of debris flying around. Pulls out again to wide shot - more debris. Snake like funnel drops to ground again and then retreats. POV from moving car driving on highway. Flat wide landscape, sunny sky with tornado. POV from car at side of road. Tornado starts vaguely cylindrical and becomes a more distinct funnel. Retreats and hangs in the air over wide open field. Strange, eerie light. Cuts to out of focus zoomed in shot of tornado in same area. Pulls out for better view. VS of this tornado over the big field, dust/debris clouds stirred up.

Clip: 312651_1_3
Year Shot: 1970 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 6
Original Film:
Location: United States
Timecode: 06:24:38 - 06:29:46

Dark, shaky, scratchy WS of stormy sky. Black silhouetteed landscape, dark gray clouds over bright sky. Stationary camera on dust cloud forming on ground - MS. WS tornado (skinny funnel) moving across open landscape, black ground (silhouette) dark clouds and yellow/orange sky (sunset). Scratches. Funnel gets thinner and thinner and then disappears. Clouds slowly pass overhead. WS tornado over open landscape, lone telephone pole and wire in f/g. Kind of gray, pale light. Cam zooms in closer - stationary. Funnel fills frame, dust/debris cloud visible. This is good tornado action aside from the scratches. WS blue/gray sky, yellow field and reddish/brown dirt are the backdrop for this looming tornado with a huge dust/debris cloud under it. Cam zooms out (it's really far away) to reveal very dramatic landscape, sky etc. Dark, shaky shot of landscape - looks like night. Cam zooms out to reveal that it's a huge tornado stirring things up, light yellow/green sky in b/g. Everything else is dark and grainy. Cam zooms in again a little to get the swirling motion of this huge funnel. Headlights appear from the distance and move towards camera on road alongside it. Various other shots of same area with storm clouds, tornado - dark, grainy. yellow/green sky with gray dust and debris clouds . Shaky camera.