
Kowalski Sausage - Animated Computer Scientists

Kowalski Sausage - Animated Computer Scientists
Clip: 312649_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 6
Original Film: BHC 001-57
Location: United States
Timecode: 06:18:29 - 06:18:50

Cute, if not odd, B/W 1950s animated sausage commercial. Animated sausage-men scientists in suits, one talking to "camera", one operating a univac-type machine or computer (with a parrot inexplicably on his head - possibly a company mascot?), sing "We are scientists on the brink of discovering the missing link!"--the machine explodes--and the missing link turns out to be--KOWALSKI SAUSAGES, which the parrot announces loudly. "Kaw -kaw - Kowalski!" The two sausage men crouch below the Kowalski logo, one taps on the other's head and says "You never saw such - Sau-sage"