Biography of Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy Roosevelt, TR)
Panning LS crowd. Theodore Roosevelt speaking. Teddy Roosevelt inspecting and meeting US Army soldiers at an army barracks just as the war was breaking. Teddy addresses them from porch, followed by soldiers jubilantly waving their hats and rifles. Theodore Roosevelt watching enlisted troops pass by grandstand.
Jenny plane being rolled from hangar, panning US air corps posing for camera. Theodore Roosevelt s son, Quentin Roosevelt, in army uniform, posing for camera. WWI fighter plane taking off from an airfield.
USN sailors marching in parade. Doughboys marching. Theodore Roosevelt wearing black armband.
Theodore Roosevelt s home at Sagamore Hill.
Theodore Roosevelt funeral, 1919: funeral procession. American flag-draped coffin being carried up a snowy hill, led by a priest.
DO NOT USE Shots of bust of Teddy Roosevelt.
DO NOT USE Closing comments, credits.