Even The Grass Grows Red Here "This film was made in 104 days of shooting over the entire continent of Africa. It is a history of how the blacks came to be dominated by the whites in the various countries of Africa. It is a history of slaughter and killings, going back 300 years, of how the whites brutally usurped the land of the blacks." Soviet propaganda film. Apartheid South Africa
Caucasian students on a university campus in Pretoria, South Africa.
Young African men on the street in Pretoria, South Africa.
Native Africans protesting Apartheid in South Africa.
Native Africans protesting Apartheid in South Africa. Caucasian students on a university campus protesting Apartheid.
MS interview with Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the African National Congress. Intercut with footage of the poor living conditions of Native South Africans. Native South Africans commuting, caring for white children.
Poor conditions of rural Native South Africans run down farm
Jimmy Kruger (JT Kruger), South African Minister of Justice and Police, (Narrator incorrectly identifies him as Paul Kruger) speaking about the curtailing of civil/ human rights. it is the responsibility of the governing party and the people that govern. They know everything that is going on. They have been placed there by the people. And they have to see that the safety of the people, which is to them a holy matter placed in their hands, must not be in jeopardy. And therefore it is their full responsibility to decide at what stage the ordinary right of the individual, should, and can, and must be curtailed.
Police hit protestors with billyclub to move them from the area. Several reporters around.
Injured or death South Africans lying in the streets after clashes with police.
South African President, Balthazar Johannes Vorster (BJ Vorster) speaking vehemently about the necessity of apartheid. this government, this nationalist party has been governing South Africa for 26 years under very difficult circumstances in the face of a hostile world. And I say to you, apart from anything else, the merit of the National Party lies in the fact that it has been able to hold South Africa for 26 years in the face of all these difficulties.