Flashpoints USA w/Bryant Gumbel & Gwen Ifill - Dixie Chicks Boycott - Story regarding the boycott of the popular girl band after comments made about George W. Bush and their First Amendment Right of freedom of speech.
DO NOT USE: Dixie Chicks concert. People protesting the Dixie Chicks, interviews w/protestors. Dixie Chicks website. Dixie Chicks at media event. Dixie Chicks protestors w/interviews. Radio station logos.
CU men s/boys' gym shoes stomping on a pile of CDs.
DO NOT USE: Dixie Chicks protestors w/interviews. Dixie Chicks on cover of Entertainment Magazine. Natalie Maines interview.
Elevated LS of President George W. Bush on deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier waving to massive crew gathered. GV profile of President George W. Bush on deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier waving to the applauding crew.
MS Lewis Dickey (CEO of Cumulus Media, Inc.) standing before the Senate Commerce Committee at hearing regarding the Dixie Chicks. GV Senate Commerce Committee at hearing. MS profile of Lewis Dickey (CEO of Cumulus Media, Inc.) seated & talking into microphone about banning the Dixie Chicks from their country radio stations playlist. MS Senator John McCain at hearing stating that he was offended by the Dixie Chicks' comment regarding President Bush, but he disagrees w/restraining their trade based on the principle of freedom of speech.
DO NOT USE: Dixie Chicks concert program.
Rear TLS of adult crowd/pedestrians walking away from camera in front of concert venue/stadium.
DO NOT USE: Dixie Chicks fans.
Rear street level TLS adult crowd/pedestrians walking away from camera.
DO NOT USE: Dixie Chicks concert.