
The Cuban Crisis

The Cuban Crisis
Clip: 520372_1_1
Year Shot: 1962 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1885
Original Film: HFR-MIS-16-123
Location: United States / Cuba
Timecode: 02:15:50 - 02:21:53

Same as catalog #428720 but w/o audio Master 1885 - Tape 2 The Cuban Crisis.

The Cuban Crisis
Clip: 520372_1_2
Year Shot: 1962 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1885
Original Film: HFR-MIS-16-123
Location: United States / Cuba
Timecode: 02:15:20 - 02:19:02

Elevated GV of Adlai Stevenson speaking at UN Security Council meeting. Aerial LS fleet of warships at sea. Aerial fly by over three warships at sea. Aerial of aircraft carrier at sea. GVs fleet of battle ships at sea. Cuba: MS Cuban soldiers in tank. CU tank guns. LS pan of Cuban street fortified with sandbag barriers. MS Cuban man with a gun. GV building facade with Cuban flag flying. GV building facade pan down to armed man at sandbag barricade. Low angle GV looking up at armed guards on roof of building. GV pan of armed military behind sandbag barricades along the Cuban coast. MS Cuban military with antiaircraft gun. MSs soldiers marching. MS Cuban women marching in protest. GV pan of crowd at rally. MS profile of Fidel Castro talking into microphone at rally. MSs/CUs U.S. military loading film into large camera mounted on front of airplane, the high power lens is cleaned. Aerial of plane in flight. MS inside plane as man operates camera. Aerial reconnaissance photographs of missile site and surface to air missile depot.

The Cuban Crisis
Clip: 520372_1_3
Year Shot: 1962 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1885
Original Film: HFR-MIS-16-123
Location: United States / Cuba
Timecode: 01:29:02 - 02:21:53

Washington DC: GV OAS Building. CU OAS emblem hanging on wall. Several GVs/MSs of OAS conference, Cuba is absent. Guantanamo Bay: LS U.S. military plane landing at base in Guantanamo. GV Air Force transport plane on tarmac. MSs U.S. soldiers exiting airplane with their gear. MS soldiers with gear. GV pan of soldiers posing for group photo. New York: GV pan down facade of the United Nations Building. Interior as unidentified man takes a seat at U.N. Security Council meeting. High angle MS looking down as Cuban delegate takes his seat. MS Cuban delegate listening to translation headphones. GV people listening to meeting. MS president of the Security Council. GV people watching. Elevated MS Adlai Stevenson speaking to United Nations.