
Biography: Erwin Rommel

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_1
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:33:07 - 01:57:38

Master 1813 - Tape 1 : Biography: Erwin Rommel - Biography of "The Desert Fox" German Army Field Marshall Erwin Rommel.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_2
Year Shot: 1940 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:33:07 - 01:33:36

Panning TLS German Panzerkampfwagen III tank speeding past cam in desert, North Africa; MS shadows of two German Army Deutches Afrika Korps (Africa Corps) tank division soldiers riding atop speeding tank; TLSs "The Desert Fox" G.A. Lt. General (not Field Marshal yet) ERWIN ROMMEL standing, riding in open military truck, waving to soldiers; MS Lt. General Erwin Rommel standing atop cement block barricade atop sand berm. MS Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, wearing uniform w. Imperial Iron Cross (Knight's Cross) around neck, posing for camera.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_3
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:33:36 - 01:34:56

DO NOT SELL: Opening credits & program introduction.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_4
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:34:56 - 01:35:28

Traveling shot Nazi German Army soldiers & Nazi Youth standing at attention & offering Nazi salute; CU two Nazi Youth saluting. MSs Field Marshall ERWIN ROMMEL walking into indoor rally w/ Nazi Party dignitaries, Minister of Propaganda JOSEPH GOEBBELS (Josef Goebbels) to his left; MS Nazi Waffen SS Erwacht (swastika) flag bearers; TLS/MSs crowd offering Nazi salute at rally; MS SA Brown Shirt soldier sporting infamous Hitler moustache clapping, saluting (this is a production anachronism, as the rally took place in 1942 but by this time the SA was gone almost 10 years).

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_5
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:35:28 - 01:35:47

MS Field Marshal Erwin Rommel walking onto platform, being saluted by peers; MS German Chancellor ADOLF HITLER (Adolph Hitler) shaking hands w/ General Rommel; MS/CUs Rommel smiling, saluting (briefly).

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_6
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:35:47 - 01:36:01

DO NOT SELL: Archival still of Erwin Rommel, 1920s.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_7
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:36:01 - 01:36:20

TLS/MSs ragtag post-WWI German Army marching, shouldering arms, arming Gewehr 98 rifles, 1920s. CU arm patch on uniform: "Kampfwage." TLS/MSs German Army soldiers lounging, serving soup on street, 1920s.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_8
Year Shot: 1930 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:36:20 - 01:36:51

MS Nazi Deputy RUDOLPH HESS (Rudolf Hess) leading "Sieg Heil" at indoor Nazi rally. MSs German Chancellor ADOLF HITLER walking smugly through aisle w/ Rudolph Hess at rally; MS Adolf Hitler smiling, offering Nazi salute; panning high angle TLS crowd offering Nazi salute; great semi-silhouette sideview MS Adolf Hitler saluting, night; MS Hitler surveying.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_9
Year Shot: 1934 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:36:51 - 01:37:29

LS/TLSs German Army ski troop battalion skiing down slopes. CUs German Army soldiers talking Nazi Party obedience oath. Grainy CU Adolf Hitler scowling; MS Nazi flag wavering gently in wind.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_10
Year Shot: 1934 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:37:29 - 01:37:58

MS Hitler watching from platform. MSs GA military police, CU Kettenhunde Nat l emblem chain.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_11
Year Shot: 1938 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:37:58 - 01:38:31

Tracking shot of mountians & trees. LS open convertible arriving at Hitler's summer retreat home near Berchtesgaden; TLS/MSs Hitler, Rommel, Hess, other Nazi officials (all dressed in white overcoats & officer caps) arriving; TLS Nazi SS soldier standing at attention; panning MS Hitler exiting home, donning gloves, descending steps to awaiting car.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_12
Year Shot: 1939 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:38:31 - 01:39:04

TLS/MSs Adolf Hitler saluting, getting into Mercedes-Benz convertible car to tour newly annexed Czechoslovakia, 1939; traveling shots Czech people lining parade route, offering Nazi salute; TLS/MSs Hitler standing in Mercedes, saluting & receiving flowers.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_13
Year Shot: 1940 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:39:04 - 01:39:34

GERMANY INVADES FRANCE, 1940: TLS/MSs Panzerkampfwagen II tanks (Panzer Corps) driving through forest, knocking down trees, zipping through ravine; LS/TLSs massive field artillery attack, numerous missiles & rockets firing from batteries in field (Blitzkrieg); rear view MSs German Army infantry soldiers firing heavy machine gun.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_14
Year Shot: 1940 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:39:34 - 01:40:11

GERMANY INVADES FRANCE, 1940: TLS/MSs Panzer tanks firing weapons, wheels rolling, advancing through fields; LS/TLSs troop transport trucks driving through French villages; rear view TLS light Panzer tank driving through town, passing dead horse on street.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_15
Year Shot: 1941 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:40:11 - 01:40:46

ROMMEL IN NORTH AFRICA, 1941 (Ditches Africa Korps routs the Brits): panning low angle TLS German air force single engine monoplane flying overhead; MS German Army Lt. General ERWIN ROMMEL alighting plane, talking w/ German Army officer in desert; MS Erwin Rommel stepping onto cement barricade. MSs British Army General CLAUDE AUCHINLECK in desert; panning LS shirtless British forces setting up field artillery in desert.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_16
Year Shot: 1941 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:40:46 - 01:41:25

MS Erwin Rommel (wearing GA uniform) looking through binoculars; MS tank wheels rolling; TLSs destroyed British vehicles in desert; MSs Desert Fox wearing Afrika Korps (Africa Corps) uniform, looking through binoculars; TLS/MSs Rommel leading Afrika Korps thru desert.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_17
Year Shot: 1941 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:41:25 - 01:41:53

MS Rommel walking through tall cactus patch; MS Rommel touring debris; MS Rommel walking through desert, saluting; MS young Afrika Korps soldier being awarded Iron Cross (Knight's Cross) by Rommel; CU Rommel smiling.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_18
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:41:53 - 01:42:25

Deutches Afrika Korps (Africa Corps) attack Tobruk, North Africa, 1942: MSs "The Desert Fox" German Lt. General ERWIN ROMMEL conferring, planning w/ Afrika Korps soldier & officers in desert; TLS/MSs German field artillery (inc 88mm Flak guns) firing; air to air shots of Luftwaffe Stuka fighter planes in flight, rolling to side; LS massive bomb explosion in desert; MS Rommel & field officers watching, looking through binoculars.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_19
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:42:25 - 01:43:06

MS/TLSs Afrika Korps Panzerkampfwagen II & III tanks rolling past cam; aerial shot of Tobruk; TLSs numerous British Army POWs (prisoners of war) being marched through desert, boarding trucks, waiting. Panning MS Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel standing in open convertible driving through desert, saluting GA soldiers.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_20
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:43:06 - 01:43:45

MSs Erwin Rommel offering Nazi salute while entering office, being greeted by German Chancellor ADOLF HITLER (Adolph Hitler), donning Knight's Cross (Iron Cross), saluting Hitler again who then awards Rommel w/ the esteemed Field Marshal baton. TLS Rommel entering room w/ Nazi officials inc Minister of Propaganda JOSEPH GOEBBELS (Josef Goebbels); MS Rommel speechifying; TLS Rommel & Goebbels exiting.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_21
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:43:45 - 01:44:13

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: TLS British Prime Minister WINSTON CHURCHILL visiting British troops in Egypt, North Africa, 1942; MS/TLSs Winston Churchill posing, meeting w/ General HAROLD ALEXANDER & Maj. General BERNARD MONTGOMERY in desert. Scenic LSs desert.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_22
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:44:13 - 01:44:50

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: MSs British Army soldier playing bagpipes for mates in desert; MS two Brit soldiers writing letters home in bunker; MS officer sitting cross-legged on lorry railing, writing letter home; panning MS bagpiper. MS German Army Afrika Korps (Africa Corps) soldiers playing cards; TLS/MSs Afrika Korps lounging during downtime.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_23
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:44:50 - 01:45:35

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: MSs Erwin Rommel talking w/ soldiers; LS/TLS/MSs British Army tank division at rest on tanks in desert; MSs battle-ready British Army soldiers in sandbag bunker; MS Maj Gen Bernard Montgomery looking through binoculars; MSs shirtless British Tommy soldiers setting up Vickers heavy machine gun, mortars, camouflage netting.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_24
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:45:35 - 01:46:17

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: TLS/MSs Brit tanks rolling through desert, dusk; TLSs silhouette of soldiers, field artillery hooked to trucks; l/a MS Brit tank commander checking watch; TLS/MSs field artillery firing, tanks advancing & firing, explosions.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_25
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:46:17 - 01:46:56

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: nice nighttime combat shots, artillery flashes lighting up the night; TLS Erwin Rommel taking seat to look through telescope in desert; great MS British Tommy running through smoke while holding Bren light machine gun; TLS Brit soldiers running through smoke w/ rifles, bayonets; MS dead German soldier hanging from tank; MSs dead German soldiers in desert.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_26
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:46:56 - 01:47:28

The Battle of El Alamein, 1942: MS/CUs Desert Fox ( Erwin Rommel) conferring w/ officers, reviewing map; LS/TLSs smoke rising from battlefield, smoldering German Panzer tanks; excellent MSs crude Iron Cross-shaped grave markers of German soldier KIA; MSs burning, smoking Nazi tanks & vehicles; MSs Rommel wearing Afrika Korps uniform & conferring w/ officers, rubbing head in desert bunker; MS/CUs Rommel meeting w/ officers in desert.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_27
Year Shot: 1942 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:47:28 - 01:47:49

Rommel become Inspector General, placed in charge of Atlantic Wall defenses, 1943: LS Atlantic Ocean, mess of barbed wire in FG; MSs German Army Field Marshal ERWIN ROMMEL & Nazi officers walking along beach; CU Erwin Rommel, Knight's Cross w/ swords & oak leaves connoting outstanding military service around neck; CUs grim-faced German Army soldiers; MS Rommel saluting, shaking hands w/ soldier in field while reviewing troops; panning MS Rommel reviewing German Airborne Division paratroopers wearing camouflage (note the gas mask canister on webbing backs; great DOF MS GA paratroopers standing at attention, looking to their right, gas mask canisters on chest.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_28
Year Shot: 1943 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:47:49 - 01:48:29

Rommel become Inspector General, placed in charge of Atlantic Wall defenses, 1943: TLS/MSs Rommel inspecting, touring Atlantic Wall defenses. MS/CUs soldier digging, using sledgehammers. LSs landing barriers & barricades (Rommel's Asparagus) dotting, congesting beaches along Atlantic Wall; TLS/MSs artillery & machine gun turrets peeking from Atlantic Wall fortifications; MCU periscope rising up; MSs sea mines being pushed into ocean.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_29
Year Shot: 1943 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Unspecified
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 01:48:29 - 01:49:07

Rommel becomes Inspector General, placed in charge of Atlantic Wall defenses, 1943: VS German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel talking, reviewing map & Atlantic Wall defenses w/ fellow German Army officers including Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt. Rommel wearing leather trenchcoat & Knight's Cross (Iron Cross), walking along beach w/ GA officers.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_30
Year Shot: 1943 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:49:07 - 01:49:47

Rommel become Inspector General, placed in charge of Atlantic Wall defenses, 1943: MSs Erwin Rommel taking ride on Germany Navy boat. TLS/MSs Rommel speaking to German Army subordinates in field, delivering "rousing" speech.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_31
Year Shot: 1943 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:49:47 - 01:50:47

Rommel become Inspector General, placed in charge of Atlantic Wall defenses, 1943: TLS sentry patrolling outside strange cement fortification (Skagerral) at Atlantic Wall. MSs German Army engineers receiving windsock lowered from zeppelin balloon. MS Rommel wearing leather trenchcoat, exiting shady brick building w/ German officers.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_32
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:50:47 - 01:51:22

D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944: aerial shots of Allied invasion force sailing for Normandy coast; MSs German soldiers on patrol, looking through binoculars; MS GA soldier ringing warning bell; MS German soldiers running along trench, hallway, down steps to take defense stations; TLS/MSs heavy artillery being readied; MSs artillery unit loading shell into cannon.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_33
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:51:22 - 01:51:59

D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944: Communications officers calling to fire; TLS/MSs Atlantic Wall heavy artillery firing, unit soldiers reloading; LS/TLSs Allied naval salvo returning fire, providing landing coverage; TLS/LSs Allied soldiers landing on beach; MS artillery firing from German bunker; MS German soldier firing mortar; MSs German soldiers firing belt-loading MG34 heavy machine guns.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_34
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:51:59 - 01:52:39

D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944: LS/TLS U.S. soldiers landing, storming beach.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_35
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:52:39 - 01:53:21

D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944: TLS car pulling into German officer's base; panning MS Rommel pacing grounds, hands behind back. Nice TLS view through break in trees, U.S. Army Sherman tank driving along village road. TLSs U.S. soldiers advancing through French coastal town; sideview MS U.S. soldier firing Thompson M1A1 submachine gun; TLSs US tanks in village, speeding along rural road. TLS German Army POWs marching to cam w/ hands held high; TLSs German prisoners of war.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_36
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:53:21 - 01:53:56

Rommel is wounded in strafing attack, and the July Plot to Hitler fails. TLS/MSs German Army Field Marshal ERWIN ROMMEL reviewing map w/ GA officers in room. MS Erwin Rommel sporting Knight's Cross around neck, walking w/ German Army & Navy officers. LSs & air to air shot of British Air Force Supermarine Spitfire Mk1 fighter plane in flight.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_37
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:53:56 - 01:54:28

MSs German Chancellor ADOLF HITLER (Adolph Hitler) meeting w/ German Army officers, reviewing map. Nice TLS building exploding, debris flying toward cam. MSs Adolf Hitler visiting wounded soldiers in hospital. TLS shaken Hitler exiting hospital; great MS white boy wearing big hat, holding flowers, offering grand Nazi salute; TLS crowd eagerly offering Nazi salute; MS Hitler smiling, being adulated w/ flowers from well-wishers on street.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_38
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:54:28 - 01:55:00

People's Court hearings: TLS courtroom in session; MS unidentified German Army officer (Friedrich Fromm?); TLS/MSs suspect being harangued by court; MS Court President ROLAND FREISLER; MSs people in court.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_39
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:55:00 - 01:55:35

MSs Erwin Rommel exiting home w/ his children, then playing w/ kids in backyard; MS Rommel watching kids w/ Nazi officers.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_40
Year Shot: 1944 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:55:35 - 01:56:21

Rear view MS boy wearing black uniform w/ Nazi armband raising flag; LS/TLSs state funeral of Erwin Rommel, Army lorry loaded w/ German Army soldiers pulling Nazi flag-draped coffin on gun carriage; MSs crowd offering Nazi salute; MS German soldiers laying large wreath; MS/CUs German Army soldiers & officers, German Navy officers saluting.

Biography: Erwin Rommel
Clip: 501381_1_41
Year Shot: 1960 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1813
Original Film: WPA 1912
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:56:21 - 01:57:38

DO NOT USE Closing comments, credits.