
B Roll of "The Last Two Days"

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_2
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:00:01 - 02:02:49

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: POV out airplane window of patches of puffy white clouds, jet engines. San Antonio coat of arms. Caucasian men and women inside terminal building at San Antonio International Airport; window reflection of Air Force One taxiing. U.S. President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and other adult Caucasian men de-boarding Air Force One. Kennedys along with Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie socializing on tarmac. Women waving from atop terminal building. Traveling POV of Presidential motorcade driving through downtown San Antonio. Crowds line the street. Traveling POV: "Headquarters of Aerospace Medical Division, School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas." Kennedys standing on dais. President Kennedy standing at podium outside; men and women giving him standing ovation. President Kennedy speaking from podium. President Kennedy speaking to large crowd. VS of crowd; women shielding eyes from sun. President Kennedy speaking. VS of Kennedys shaking hands with men and women.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_3
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:02:49 - 02:05:57

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: Aerial of downtown Fort Worth. American flag billowing in wind; Texas state flag billowing in wind. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, holding flowers, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy shaking hands with adult Caucasian men and women on tarmac at Carswell Air Force Base. Kennedys greeting people; Jackie smiling, talking with Lady Bird Johnson as Texas Governor John Connally appears in BG. Jacqueline Kennedy smiling, talking with U.S. Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson. Texas, U.S. flags billowing. Rear view traveling shot of Presidential motorcade; Kennedys waving from car to crowd-lined street. President Kennedy standing at podium receiving ovation at indoor event; poor lighting. Jackie Kennedy receiving standing ovation as she makes her way to the podium; JFK standing nearby. Close-up of Jackie speaking. Traveling shot of motorcade driving down street in Ft. Worth at night. Applause; poor lighting. VS of President Kennedy speaking at banquet honoring U.S. House Representative Albert Thomas. Night; buildings outlined in lights, clock on top of a building reading 12:19 AM.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_4
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:05:57 - 02:07:32

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson, U.S. House Representative Jim Wright, Texas Governor John Connally lead adult Caucasian men toward camera; hotel marquee in BG: "Welcome to Ft. Worth, Where the West Begins." JFK and LBJ climb steps to platform across the street from Hotel Texas. Vice-President Johnson speaks from podium; men standing in BG applaud. Adult Caucasian man in the crowd, wearing gloves, holding sign: "JFK in 64." Frenzied applause coming from Caucasian males and females. Crowd gathered; police officers wearing yellow rain coats. President Kennedy finishing remarks, stepping from podium; LBJ and Gov. Connally applaud in BG. President Kennedy walking to crowd, greeting mainly women in the front of the line. High angle of President Kennedy walking through the crowd, shaking hands as he goes. President Kennedy and Vice-President Johnson walking down the line, shaking hands with people in the crowd; adult Caucasian male Secret Service agents flank them on either side.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_5
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:07:32 - 02:09:48

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: U.S. Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Texas Governor John Connally, Nellie Connally, U.S. House Representative Jim Wright (D-TX), other adult Caucasian men and women stand and clap at banquet sponsored by Ft. Worth Chamber of Commerce. President Kennedy standing, smiling at podium, Vice President Johnson watching in BG. Fort Worth Mayor John Justin Jr. standing at podium, shield eyes from lights as he tries to look in the distance; JFK in BG. Vice President Johnson and Governor Connally standing, applauding. Vice President Johnson, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (wearing infamous pink dress & pillbox hat), President Kennedy taking their seats. Jackie Kennedy; man leans over her shoulder to briefly speak to her. Two newsreel cameras on tripods. Crowd applauding; long table between them. Newsreel cameras lining wall of banquet hall. President Kennedy speaking to crowd. Gov. Connally, Jackie Kennedy, John Kennedy riding in open convertible, waving to crowds. Rear view traveling shot of Presidential motorcade traveling toward Ft. Worth courthouse; crowds line either side of street. Traveling shot of motorcade passing crowds lining street.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_7
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:10:03 - 02:12:41

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: Aerial of Dallas, Texas. POV out airplane window of runway during landing. Adult Caucasian man, wearing overcoat, standing on Gate 28 lamppost at airport amid crowd of Caucasian males and females; Confederate and Texas flags flying. Air Force One taxiing on tarmac. Man, wearing overcoat, standing on Gate 28 lamppost at airport; Confederate and Texas flags flying. U.S. President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, de-boarding Air Force One; men and women waiting on the tarmac. Jackie holding bouquet of red roses. JFK and Jackie walking together. Adult Caucasian male press corps taking photographs. Kennedys shaking hands, walking past men and women on the tarmac. VS traveling shots of Presidential motorcade driving on streets; people lining street; adult Caucasian female holding Caucasian male child. Slow-motion shots of adult Caucasian male and female on the ground, each covering a child; Secret Service agents racing to the President's convertible (re-enactment shot).

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_9
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:15:09 - 02:17:23

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: police light spinning, flashing. Three adult Caucasian men walking past a couple of adult Caucasian male police officers guarding emergency entrance from gathered crowd at Parkland Hospital after the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy; "Ambulances Only" sign. Flower bouquet in backseat of convertible. Police inspecting car at Parkland. Assistant Press Secretary, Malcolm Kilduff talking into CB radio while sitting in convertible. Kilduff, partially obscured by woman and men, points to something off camera. Kilduff talking to press corps; men writing into their notepads. Man speaking with police officer. Elderly adult Caucasian man, wearing snap-brim cap, expressing sadness. Three Caucasian teenage females crying outside hospital. Woman holding female child close to her; woman in BG blowing her nose. Men and women standing around a car. Man speaking to gathered crowd inside hospital; extreme poorly lighting.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_10
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Date)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:17:23 - 02:18:18

Still of Judge Sarah T. Hughes administering Oath of Office to U.S. Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson aboard Air Force One; Jacqueline Kennedy and Lady Bird Johnson watching on.

B Roll of "The Last Two Days"
Clip: 499107_1_11
Year Shot: 1963 (Estimated Date)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1470
Original Film: WHN-17
Location: White House
City: Washington, D.C.
Country: United States
Timecode: 02:18:18 - 02:18:57

Outtakes from "The Last Two Days," a film documenting the last two days in the life of President John F. Kennedy, shot by White House personnel: United States Marines, wearing dress blue uniforms, marching in single line formation through White House gates at night, leading funeral cars behind them.