
Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - American Dream
Clip: 494634_1_3
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:27:25 - 01:28:29

Small town as sun rises. Misty gully. Factory in the early morning hours. Caucasian paperboy on bicycle in small town. Cute puppy sitting on porch step yawning. Paperboy throws paper from bike; paper lands on step beside empty milk bottles. African American man breaking block of ice with pick. Black cat crosses sidewalk and rubs on tree. Caucasian milkman delivering milk from horse-drawn truck, leaves full bottles and takes empties from porch. Residential neighborhood. Caucasian man leaving suburban house for work, dog follows out the door, girl watches from window. Caucasian girl waving from window. Steam whistle. Factory workers arriving and entering front gate. Caucasian boy unrolling shop awning. Caucasian male shop owner arriving and unlocking door, waves to passerby, enters and raises blind. Man inside office building raising window blind. Caucasian male barber sharpening straight razor. Caucasian man having his faced lathered for a shave. Barber shaving man's face. Customer reading a newspaper while barber cuts his hair.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Lindbergh Trial
Clip: 494634_1_4
Year Shot: 1935 (Actual Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Flemington, New Jersey
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:28:29 - 01:30:30

Daily News paper headline reading "Lindbergh Trial Opens". Crowd gathered outside courthouse; waiting in line to get in. Women wearing fur coats sipping hot beverages while waiting. Interior pan of courthouse. Charles Lindbergh walks into courtroom. Anne Morrow Lindbergh walks into courtroom. The accused, Bruno Hauptmann, walks into courtroom. Courtroom packed with people. Bruno Hauptmann seated in court and on the stand during interrogation. Jury. Charles Lindbergh taking the stand. Anne Morrow Lindbergh on the stand. Baby Lindbergh's clothing being handled in court, evidence. Home movie of baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. in a stroller. Baby Lindbergh waving. Charles and Anne Lindbergh in the garden. Interior and exterior of baby Lindbergh in crib looking out window. Exterior open window where the kidnapper entered the house. Investigators standing near ladder leaning against the house. Pan down ladder, investigator stands at bottom. Judge's gavel pounds on bar. Journalists taking notes at the trial. Man typing at typewriter under sign reading "Direct Cable by Western-Union-London." Hands hitting keys on typewriter. Pan of male telegraph operators. Newsmen run toward camera down hall of courthouse. Reporter phone booth as another guy waits to use it. Newspaper printing press in operation. Press slows to a stop, headline reads "Bruno Guilty-Must Die." Bruno Hauptmann inside jail cell. Jail cell door is shut closed.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Golden Age of Radio
Clip: 494634_1_5
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: New York, New York
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:30:30 - 01:32:14

Pan down radio tower. Caucasian male radio announcer in studio, reading copy into microphone, engineer booth in BG. Radio technician at curved sound board with lights and buttons. Gauges on sound board. Oscilloscope with signal jumping around. VU meter as needle bounces back and forth. Lighted tube blinking. Tubes blinking from behind cage wall. Oscilloscope signal bouncing around. "ON THE AIR" light. POV from engineer window, radio announcer talking into microphone. Pan of control room at NBC studios with giant boards covered with lights, buttons and gauges, Caucasian men working. Engineer working soundboard. Arturo Toscanini conducting NBC Radio Orchestra on sound stage. Toscanini holds up finger to mouth to "Shhh'" orchestra, pan to hands conducting. Radio Engineer at work at soundboard. Orchestra and conductor. Engineer operating large soundboard. Gauges with needles moving. Rotating shot of tubes. Rotating low angle looking up through center of radio tower. Pan up radio tower.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Hindenburg Disaster
Clip: 494634_1_6
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Date )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Lakehurst, New Jersey
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:32:14 - 01:33:30

Air to Air shot of the Hindenburg. Low angle looking up at the Hindenburg flying over head. Inside the airship of male Caucasian passengers looking out the windows. Officer on bridge of the airship talking on phone. Officer operating controls to drop the rope. Hindenburg flying over field. Hindenburg flying over field, men run to grab the landing rope. Flashes then cut to the airship in flames as it takes a nose dive into the ground, men on the ground are running about as the airship becomes totally consumed by flames, the outer shell of the airship is now gone and the frame collapses. Twisted frame of the Hindenburg as men attempt to extinguish the fire.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - New York City
Clip: 494634_1_7
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: New York, New York
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:33:30 - 01:34:14

Pan of double decker sight seeing bus driving along street. New York street busy with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic officer blowing into whistle and using hand gestures. Pan of cat carrying her kitten by the scruff of its neck. High angle looking down at pedestrians crossing the street. Ornate clock on building facade reading 12:00 P.M. Inside diner at lunchtime with young Caucasian women seated at the counter eating and smoking cigarettes. Pan of menu board behind counter adverting prices and tasty treats. Two beverages in tall glasses are set down just in front of camera by a smiling soda jerk. Exterior of street crew workmen seated while eating their lunch. Hotdog stand on street corner. Men eating hotdogs. Scruffy face of hotdog vender.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Coronation of King George VI
Clip: 494634_1_8
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: London, England
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 01:34:14 - 01:35:10

Houses of Parliament. Elevated procession during the coronation of King George VI. Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret during the ceremony. The royal crown is placed on King George VI's head. King George VI standing from throne. Massive crowd gathered outside Buckingham Palace. The British Royal Family on balcony to greet their countrymen, a young Princess Elizabeth waves to the people.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
Clip: 494634_1_9
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Chateau de Cande, Monts, France
Country: France
Timecode: 01:35:10 - 01:35:39

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor (former King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson), walking along outside villa after being married. Duke and Duchess of Windsor posing for camera. Wedding guests toasting in the garden. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Wedding party outside the villa.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Women's Group
Clip: 494634_1_10
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:35:39 - 01:36:08

Caucasian mailman walking along residential street lined with trees. Elderly Caucasian woman on porch swing reading a magazine. Caucasian women walking up to front door of a stately home. Interior of lady's group meeting taking place in the parlor room. Affluent Caucasian women in dresses and hats during the meeting.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Nazi Germany
Clip: 494634_1_11
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Germany
Country: Germany
Timecode: 01:36:08 - 01:36:46

Hitler ranting during a speech. German soldiers on guard. German troops crossing bridge into demilitarized Rhineland. Crowds waving at soldiers. People walking along with soldiers in procession. Nazi soldiers parade on horseback past crowd. Crowd waving to passing soldiers. Young women throw flowers to passing soldiers. Soldiers on horseback. Children giving the Nazi salute. Long line of German soldiers parading toward camera.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Italian Fascism
Clip: 494634_1_12
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Italy
Country: Italy
Timecode: 01:36:46 - 01:37:18

Mussolini giving speech from balcony. Italian crowd cheering and waving Italian national flags. Italian soldiers cheering and raising rifles. Mussolini. Italian troops parading through the street. Italian military parade. Mussolini wearing a helmet as he salutes. Parade of military artillery. Mussolini wearing a helmet with a smug expression on his face.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - League of Nations
Clip: 494634_1_13
Year Shot: 1936 (Actual Date )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Country: Switzerland
Timecode: 01:37:18 - 01:37:49

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia approaching podium to address the League of Nations, asking assistance after the invasion of his people by Italy. League of Nations representatives. Haile Selassie addressing the League. Pan of League of Nations representatives. Haile Selassie speaking.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Spanish Civil War
Clip: 494634_1_14
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Spain
Country: Spain
Timecode: 01:37:49 - 01:38:19

Low angle looking up at planes flying overhead at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Man looking up through binoculars. Airplanes flying. Small group of men looking up at the sky, one man points. Low angle looking up at planes flying over building. Pan of woman running through the street with her young son. People running in pure panic. Teenaged girl screaming in fear. Little girl reaching up imploringly as people hurry past. Street void of people, smoke rises from war torn buildings. Buildings under attack, smoke is rising. Emergency rescue crew being dispatched. Injured woman being placed onto stretcher. Pan as young man carries an injured woman over rubble. Children walking over rubble with a salvaged scooter.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Japanese Invasion of China
Clip: 494634_1_15
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: China
Country: China
Timecode: 01:38:19 - 01:39:20

Emperor Hirohito of Japan on horseback with his entourage. Japanese flag with an ancient temple in the background. Japanese troops advancing into China/Manchuria. Japanese troops on the move. Japanese soldiers climbing a rocky hillside. Japanese troops rolling through town on foot and in tank. Japanese troops throwing their hands in the air in cheer. Back of man filming the USS Panay gunboat sinking in the Yangtze River. USS Panay sinking. Aboard the damaged ship. Small row boat moves away from the Panay rescuing survivors. POV from boat looking back as it moves away from the sinking ship. Pan as salvaged goods are past from row boat to people on shore. Survivors being lifted on stretchers to shore. Injured man on shore with blood on his shirt and bandages over his face and on his arm.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Social Libations
Clip: 494634_1_16
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:39:20 - 01:39:46

Posh dinner party with Caucasian gentlemen in black tie and ladies in formal evening gowns. People mingling while a waiter serves drinks. People chatting while seated on a sofa. Mingling at the party. Patrons chatting in a busy bar. People mingling. Young middle-class couple seated in booth sipping drinks.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Family Dinner
Clip: 494634_1_17
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:39:46 - 01:39:57

Large house with wraparound porch, Caucasian man is raking leaves in yard. Interior of family dinning at table. Young girl chewing food. Young boys seated at the dinner table. Night exterior of the house with a light on.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - American Nightlife
Clip: 494634_1_18
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:39:57 - 01:40:22

High angle night shot of commercial street at night with shops and pedestrians. City street at night. Neon sign reading "Bar & Grill. Liquors Beer". Middle class Caucasian men hanging out outside tavern. Men in bar seated at counter buying Irish Sweepstakes tickets. Ticket being ripped from book. Pile of Irish Sweepstake tickets. Lottery contests signs reading "100 Dollars Given Nightly", "Win Cash Every Day", "LUCKY" and "BINGO".

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling
Clip: 494634_1_19
Year Shot: 1938 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:40:22 - 01:41:03

Sign reading "Tonight World Championship Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling". Joe Louis posing for photographers before boxing match. Slow-motion MS of fight; Louis knocks down Schmeling.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - American Entertainment
Clip: 494634_1_20
Year Shot: 1936 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:41:03 - 01:41:21

Street scene at night with neon signs and vehicular traffic. Pan of a 'Coca Cola' sign. Sign with a lit fish. Neon sign for the 'Hollywood Restaurant". Marquee at the 'Paradise' advertising Milton Berle. Sign reading "A Night at the Opera - The Marx Brothers". Sign reading "Shirley Temple - Curly Top'. Sign reading 'She Done Hime Wrong - Mae West'. Sign reading 'Comedy'. Sign reading 'Top Hat - Fred Astaire - Ginger Rogers'.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Swing Jazz
Clip: 494634_1_21
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:41:21 - 01:42:29

Sign reading "Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. The first Swing Concert in the History of Carnegie Hall." Benny Goodman on stage. Orchestra playing on stage. Audience, pan to the seated people tapping their feet. Man playing the saxophone. Hand hitting the saxophone keys. Woman in the audience bobbing her head to the music. Orchestra playing on stage. Orchestra members tapping their feet while playing. Benny Goodman performing a clarinet solo. Young in the audience dig'n the music. Drummer. Slide trombone players. Drummer kitting his kit. Hand strumming stand up bass. Hand strumming guitar. Slide trombones. Young couples dancing the Jitterbug. Man strumming the upright bass. Couples swing dancing. Man playing the trumpet. Legs swing dancing. Great shots of people swing dancing.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - American Nightlife
Clip: 494634_1_22
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:42:29 - 01:43:20

Neon club signs reading 'Paradise - Dinning- Dancing', 'Fiesta', Stork Club', 'Leon & Eddie' and 'El Morocco'. Profile of doorman at 'El Morocco'. Posh types arrive at El Morocco. Interior of club with Caucasian patrons seated at the long bar counter. Orchestra playing. People slow dancing. Young couples seated in a booth. Young woman looking rather intoxicated holding her drink. People seated at table chatting. Couples dancing. People seated at tables watching the dance floor. Couples doing the "Lambeth Walk". People enjoying themselves while seated at tables. Dancers clapping. People at tables clapping.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - FDR
Clip: 494634_1_23
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Washington D.C.
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:43:20 - 01:45:19

Interior of guest seated at tables in the ballroom at the Mayflower Hotel, New Deal big wigs are at a traditional victory dinner that celebrates their triumph at the presidential polls. New Deal dignitaries talking. Elevated shot of banquet with guests standing and clapping. FDR smiling. Guests clapping. FDR giving a speech. Elevated shot of audience listening. FDR at podium speaking. FDR speaking against the Supreme Court: saying he defies anyone to read the Court's opinions on the AAA, the NRA, etc. and tell us what we can do to help American workers that won't be struck down as unconstitutional. Man smoking a cigar. FDR at podium with audience cheering. Exterior of the President's car pulling up to building. Interior high angle pan of the House of Representatives in session. FDR speaking to Congress on Court reform. Republicans in Congress. FDR at podium. Shots inside the House, Spectators Gallery is seen.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Labor Reform
Clip: 494634_1_24
Year Shot: 1937 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:45:19 - 01:48:30

Senator Robert Wagner in office shaking hands with woman. Robert Wagner. CU of bill "An act to create a National Labor Relations Board." Various shots of workers on strike and picketing, holding signs and wearing sandwich boards. Women holding signs "Get Wise-Organize" and "Defend Your Union". Picket signs "Union Label Means Steady Work" and "Annual Pay Not WPA". Picket marches. Picket sign "Time and a Half for Saturday-Double Time for Sundays and Holidays". Men in picket line; legs as they picket. Picketers standing in the street. Picket march with people carrying banner "The Sit Down Weapon-Labor's Rights". Picketers outside of an automobile plant. Automobile workers on strike sticking their heads out of warehouse windows, they refuse to leave the plant. Various shots of the men with their heads out of warehouse window, wives and children visit from outside; man kissing his sweetheart on the other side of the warehouse window; man is handed a basket of food through the open window. Interior of cars on the production line. Striking workers napping in the factory. Cars on the nonmoving production line. Striking workers lined up along road to factory, factory with smoke stacks is seen in the distance. Striking workers yelling as convoy of trucks move past. Men shouting and shaking their fists. Women and children shouting at cars passing by. People chase a car. Police officer approaching picketers with a night stick. Striking workers. Police officers enforcing crowd control, officer gets a mouthful from an angry woman. Men rocking a parked car. Police trying to control mob mentality. Angry men hitting and breaking factory windows with bats. Mounted officer on the move. Angry workers rioting, police attempt to control the chaos in the streets. Cars and people gathered outside of factory. Men cheering and waving after a victory in labor/union rights. Politicians signing labor legislation. Blue collar workers celebrating their victory with parades and flag waving.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - German-American Bund
Clip: 494634_1_25
Year Shot: 1938 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:48:30 - 01:49:54

Young American children parading with Nazi flags with the swastika, they look like Hitler Youth but they are in the U.S. American-German Nazis marching at rally. Caucasian men marching and giving the Nazi salute. Nazi men parading with American flags. Young Caucasian children giving the Nazi salute. American Nazi Mass Meeting at Madison Square Garden. Stadium packed with people and men marching with U.S. flags alternating with swastikas, and a large portrait of George Washington on the stage. American Nazi leaders. Caucasian men on stage giving the Nazi salute. Man on stage speaking to the public. Massive crowd gathered in the stadium. Man speaking on stage. Stage with large George Washington banner hanging in the background. Nazi speaker on stage, he turns his head as a protester rushes the stage, the protester is taken down and beaten by Nazi sympathizers, police rush the stage and attempt to break up the fight. Stage lined with Nazi sympathizers as the police apprehend the protester and take him away.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Royal Visit
Clip: 494634_1_26
Year Shot: 1939 (Actual Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: Washington D.C
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:49:54 - 01:51:14

Steam engine train rolling along railroad track lined with telephone poles. Train rolling past camera. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth I (Queen Mother) exiting train and being greeted by U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull during their first visit to the United States. Pan of the royals walking with Cordell Hull. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth I shaking hands with dignitaries. Elevated view of procession in the nation's capitol. Motorcade moving along the street. King George VI chatting with president Franklin Roosevelt as they ride in procession. Queen Elizabeth waving from her car in the motorcade. Young girl in sun hat sucking her thumb. Young girl on her father's shoulders watching the procession. King George VI and FDR waving to the crowd from their convertible. Traveling shot past military brass band and saluting police officers. Queen Elizabeth riding in convertible car with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - New York World's Fair
Clip: 494634_1_27
Year Shot: 1939 (Actual Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: New York, New York
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:51:14 - 01:53:25

1939 New York World's Fair with female statue in FG and the Perisphere and Trylon in Theme Center in BG. Fountains and statues with the Perisphere and Trylon in BG. Fountains. Visitor activity around the Bridge of Wings. People walking the Bridge of Wings, Nations flags are flying. Statue and the Bridge of Wings. Post sign reading "Lagoon of Nations" and Court of Peace". National flags flying. Lagoon of Nations. Pedestrian bustle. Low angle looking up at people on the Trylon & Perisphere Bridge. Children looking up. Woman looking up. Low angle looking up at people on the Trylon & Perisphere Bridge. People at the fair. Low angle looking up at tower in front of Westinghouse building. Italian pavilion, pan down tiered fountain with the Goddess Roma on top. Young girl at the fair. Men at the fair. Abstract of wavy lined architecture. Two boys. Speed statue in the Court of Communications. Man with weathered face wearing a cap. Abstract of architectural lines. Children. Statues including "Time and Fates of Man". Abstract of architectural lines. Children. World's fair. Night reflection pool lit up with a silhouetted George Washington Statue and Perisphere in BG. Night GV of fountains. Night GV of Perisphere. Lit fountain. Fair buildings and fountain lit at night. Large fire works display.